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Sperm Banking Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
To help you decide if sperm banking is right for you, download our free guide to learn more about the sperm banking process and a list of available tests for fertility.

Resistant Hypertension Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Download our comprehensive treatment guide to learn more about the risks of chronic high blood pressure, what causes resistant hypertension and treatment options for resistant hypertension.

Testicular Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Download our free guide to learn more about treatment options for all stages of testicular cancer, information on fertility options before and after treatment and online medical second opinion services.

Transitional Urology Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Download our comprehensive treatment guide to learn more about the newest and latest treatment options available for urological congenitalism.
Osteoporosis Medication
Ask the Nurse
I am 66 years old and have osteoporosis. My primary care doctor suggested Reclast, but my gynecologist suggested Prolia. I have never been treated before for osteoporosis. I also have had a portion of my thyroid removed 7 months ago.
I have two questions:
- Are these two drugs the same?
- How will treatment affect my thyroid?

How To Reduce Your Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on ways to reduce your allergy symptoms, plus how to treat allergy symptoms before they occur.
Speaking of Women’s Health Announces New Chief Strategist
Dianne Dunkelman, founder of the National Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation, has been named the new Chief Strategist of Speaking of Women’s Health.

Build Fat To Get Fit – Brown Fat That Is!
Read guest columnist Stetson T. Thacker, PhD’s column to understand why you want and need brown fat and how to develop more brown fat!

Great Garden Salad
Recipe Box
Color equals nutrition and this salad is overflowing with flavor, color and garden fresh favorites. This Great Garden Salad recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC EATING WELL TO FIGHT ARTHRITIS: 200 easy recipes and practical tips to help REDUCE INFLAMMATION and EASE SYMPTOMS.
Skin and Hair Changes During Menopause
Dr. Holly L. Thacker explains skin and hair changes during menopause. The culprit for the post-menopausal changes in your hair and skin is the lower levels of the hormone estrogen circulating in your body. Loss of estrogen makes your skin thinner and more delicate, and can cause your hair to thin out. Watch for helpful tips.
What is Perimenopause?
Dr. Holly L. Thacker explains what perimenopause is and when women are in perimenopause. She explains classic symptoms and signs you are entering perimenopause and making the transition to menopause.
IUDs and the Connection to Depression
Ask the Nurse
I have an IUD (Mirena), this is my second one. It is due to come out next year. I was wondering what the correlation is between the IUD and depression? I have a history of depression, but it has gotten worse. I’m currently on 3 different antidepressants, which really are not helping.
When I think about it now, it seems to have increased since the time I had the second one placed 4 years ago. I know hormones can have an impact on mood/mental well-being. Do you think there is a connection between the two?
When and How to Take Vitamins
Ask the Nurse
I take several types of vitamins every day. Should I take them all at once or should I spread them out throughout the day?
Knee Replacement Surgery
Ask the Nurse
Recently, I had a total knee replacement. After 3 months of Physical Therapy I am back at work, doing well for the most part.
On occasion, I have a large amount of swelling in the ankle of the same leg I had the knee replacement. This happens 2-3 times a week and not with any particular irritant. The swelling is enough to stretch my shoe out. I’d like to know if this is normal after this type of surgery?
Estrogen Therapy Post-Hysterectomy
Ask the Nurse
I am 54 years old and just had a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed a month ago. My menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats) are not bad and I can tolerate them.
My doctor has not put me on HRT yet, but I am worried about osteoporosis and I am experiencing some depression, vaginal dryness and dry skin and hair. I will be seeing my doctor soon, and would like to ask for estrogen replacement therapy.
My concern is that I have high blood pressure, which is under control by medication. I take plavix as I was diagnosed with TIA 4 years ago (blurred speech, last few seconds; no damage done). Since then I follow a good diet and exercise regularly. My last blood test was excellent. My mom had a mild stroke when she was 74 due to poor diet and she recovered from it.
My question is: Is it ok for me to go on estrogen therapy? I am not quite myself. Please help.

Chicken Fajita Pizza
Recipe Box
Fajita and pizza together in one recipe can only mean instantaneous deliciousness. This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC KITCHEN 101: Secrets to Cooking Confidence: Cooking Basics Plus 150 Easy Healthy Recipes.
Gluten Free?
Ask the Nurse
I am a 79-year-old woman concerned about gluten. I love cream of wheat. Generally speaking, should I avoid eating cream of wheat or eat it in moderation?
For your reference, I have heartburn and osteoporosis. I am a breast cancer survivor and have had a lumpectomy and hysterectomy.
How the 3 Stages of Menopause Affect You
Health Information
Every woman knows that menopause is in her future. But most women don’t realize that they’ll spend far more time in perimenopause than in menopause. Or that postmenopause will last longer than perimenopause and menopause combined. In this infographic, we explain each stage of menopause, how long it lasts and why symptoms occur. Empower yourself — learn about this natural phase in every woman’s life. Then pass it on to your sisters and girlfriends! Download our free Menopause Treatment Guide…

Women Now Have A New ‘Little Pink Pill’ for Low Sex Drive
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on the ‘hot topic’ of the recent approval of Flibanserin (Addyi) for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) for pre-menopausal women.
Is the “Pink Viagra” Finally Here?
Health Information
Addyi®, FDA-Approved Medication For HSDD Hooray! The first ever FDA approved medication for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is now finally a reality. Officially known as Flibanserin or Addyi®, it has been also been called the "Pink Viagra" by lay commentators. Many women suffer with low sexual desire, which can cause significant distress. Many women want to be more engaged and be able to enjoy sexual activity rather than just going through the motions. Women finally have a new option…