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Beauty Products May Trigger Early Menopause


Biology determines when women hit menopause, but exposure to some common household products and pollutants may drive that timing even earlier.Menopause, like puberty, is a reproductive rite of passage, and marks for women the end of their fertility and child-bearing years. But studies show that it’s not just age that can determine when menopause starts — exposure to certain chemicals and pollutants can also play a role.In one of the most comprehensive looks at possible menopause-disruptors to…

Hernia Treatment for Women

Ask the Nurse

I am a 70 year old woman and I have a pacemaker for atrial fibrillation. I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia and my physicians do not seem concerned about it. They didn’t explain whether the hernia required treatment and I am worried. What do you recommend regarding my inguinal hernia?

GERD Medication

Ask the Nurse

I am a 50 year old woman and was diagnosed with GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) 2 years ago. This started after I began treatment for my ulcerative colitis with mesalamine. I now take omeprazole before dinner and have noticed some benefit. I would like to get off the omeprazole. Do you have any recommendations?

Pre-Diabetes Diet

Ask the Nurse

I am a healthy 68 year old yoga teacher with mild anxiety. My blood pressure and lipids are normal. I do yoga 3 times per week and walk 35 minutes, 4 times per week. But I found out I have pre-diabetes (fasting sugar of 116). I eat well, I love carbs like bread and pasta, and I cook fresh food every day. What can I do to bring down my Glucose level?

What Is Your Wedding Health IQ?

What Is Your Wedding Health IQ?


Read women's health fellow and bride-to-be Dr. Heather Hirsch's column on wedding health. This is a must-read if you are engaged, about to be engaged or are the mother of the bride-to-be.



Physician WritersMegan McNamaraPelin BaturKristi Tough DeSapri Diagnosis What is perimenopause? Perimenopause is a transitional time late in a woman's reproductive life before the final menstrual period (FMP). Menopause is de-fined retrospectively by 12 months of amenorrhea and loss of ovarian follicular activity. The mean duration of perimenopause is 5 years, but symptoms may begin 8 years or more before the FMP (1). The average age at onset of menstrual irregularity is 47.5 years (2).…

Greek Shrimp Scampi

Greek Shrimp Scampi

Recipe Box

A quick stir-fry combines classic Mediterranean ingredients into one fabulous dish. Serve with angel hair pasta.

This recipe is from Holly Clegg's Trim & Terrific Gulf Coast Favorites: Over 250 easy recipes from my Louisiana Kitchen.

Taking Care of the Vulva and Vagina

Ask the Nurse

I am 44 years old and about 6 months ago, I had an issue with an itchy bottom. It is not all the time, but it seems to be worse when it is time for my monthly menses.

I didn’t ask the doctor when I had my recent pap smear, but he said everything looked normal. However, I am really embarassed by it.

Women, Testosterone Levels and Sex Drive


Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the pros and cons of testosterone prescriptions for women with low sex drive and trouble climaxing.

Menopausal Hormone Therapy and the Longevity of Joint Replacements

Menopausal Hormone Therapy and the Longevity of Joint Replacements


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's article that discuss new research showing that postmenopausal women on menopausal hormone therapy have a higher success rate with total joint replacements.

Hot Flashes: 7 Years and Counting


Some women experienced hot flashes and night sweats for more than 7 years during menopausal transition, researchers reported. Among a diverse group of women in the U.S. who reported a high frequency of symptoms, vasomotor symptoms (VMS) persisted for a median of 7.4 years, with a median of 4.5 years of symptoms after final menstrual period, according to Nancy E. Avis, PhD, of Wake Forrest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C., and colleagues. These findings exceeded the length of VMS…

Sleep Disturbances During Pregnancy

Health Information

Online Health Chat with Megan Lutz, MD, MPHJanuary 13, 2015 Description While a good portion of "pregnancy stories" might discuss food cravings, weight changes or relationship "learning opportunities," sleep changes in pregnancy make up these stories as well. Whether it's the notorious fatigue, nausea or daytime sleepiness of the first trimester that spells out pregnancy for your co-workers and family members (well before you planned to share your news), or the third trimester insomnia,…

“If you wait, it’s too late”: March Read Aloud Month stresses parents’ vital role


Speaking of Women's Health has joined the Read Aloud 15 MINUTES National Campaign that encourages all parents to know, if you wait to read, it's too late.Before elementary school. Before kindergarten. Before preschool. Children are learning. Not just learning; they are building the foundations that will support their education for years to come. Science has proved that birth to age 5 is perhaps the most important period of development in a child's life. That's why Speaking of Women's Health…

​Early Consumption May Prevent Peanut Allergy, New Study Suggests


A new study suggests that peanut allergy can be prevented at a young age by embracing peanuts, not avoiding them. Eating peanut products as a baby significantly reduces the risk of developing the allergy by 80% in high-risk infants, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests. Peanuts are one of the leading causes of food allergy reaction and can be fatal.


Ask the Nurse

I am an 82 year old woman who has a very large rectocele that protrudes into the genital area and also interferes with defecation. The recommendation is for Leforte Colpectomy/Colpocleisis surgery. Is this appropriate and if not, what would be an alternate solution?

Sleeping too much could raise risk of stroke


Adults who sleep more than eight hours a night may face a higher risk of stroke, a new analysis suggests. These so-called "long sleepers" were 46 percent more likely to have a stroke than those who got only six to eight hours of sleep a night, the researchers found. However, the researchers don't know if the long sleep is a cause, consequence or early warning sign of declining brain health. After reviewing previous research on the possible link between sleep and stroke risk, they said they…

How to Get Your Sex Drive Revved Up as You Age


If you feel like you've lost your libido, there's a lot to consider. Sex drive and the things that affect it are complicated. It is also dependent on personal relationships. Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the how to get your sex drive revved up as you age.

Pregnancy At Age 35

Ask the Nurse

I am 35 years old and am having difficulty achieving pregnancy. I am also a type 2 diabetic and struggle with my weight. Is there a way to determine how many eggs I have left?

Missing Just Half An Hour Of Sleep On A Weekday May Change Metabolism


A new study suggests that people who lose as little as half an hour of sleep on a weekday have change in their metabolism that might help them gain weight and that might even put them on the road to diabetes.A new study suggests that people who lose as little as half an hour of sleep on a weekday have change in their metabolism that might help them gain weight and that might even put them on the road to diabetes.They were taking part in a different study meant to see if exercise and diet would…

Hormone-Blocking Drug Administered During Chemotherapy Prevents Ovarian Failure and Improves Fertility in Breast Cancer Patients


PRESS RELEASEContact:Maureen Nagg, 216.213.2844, naggm@ccf.orgHORMONE-BLOCKING DRUG ADMINISTERED DURING CHEMOTHERAPY PREVENTS OVARIAN FAILURE AND IMPROVES FERTILITY IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTSFindings of International Study to be Published in New England Journal of MedicineWednesday, March 4, 2015, Cleveland: Breast cancer patients who are given the hormone-blocking drug goserelin during chemotherapy are less likely to experience ovarian failure and more likely to have successful pregnancies,…