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Eggplant Beef Bake
Recipe Box
This Eggplant Beef Bake is from Holly Clegg's Trim & Terrific Gulf Coast Favorites: Over 250 easy recipes from my Louisiana Kitchen. Plentiful amounts of eggplant, beef, marinara and cheese give you an instant, one-dish casserole great for everyday meals.

Butter Pecan Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Recipe Box
Easier than a sweet potato casserole but with the same sweet flavors — candied yams at their finest with a surprise of cayenne to add just a slight kick! This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC KITCHEN 101: Secrets to Cooking Confidence: Cooking Basics Plus 150 Easy Healthy Recipes.

When Other Depression Treatments Haven’t Worked, TMS Can Help
Today, only a subset of patients with Major Depressive Disorder respond to conventional treatments like antidepressants and psychotherapy. Dr. Murat Altinay discusses how Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) can help these patients.
Annual OB/GYN Appointments are Critical to a Woman's Health
Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the difference between pap smears and pelvic exams. She recommends women still see their doctor every year whether they need a pelvic exam or a pap smear.
Tips for Restoring Sex
Ask the Nurse
What can I do for my husband and I to enjoy sex?
Discontinuing postmenopausal HT increases CV death risk
The withdrawal of postmenopausal hormone therapy can raise the risks for cardiovascular mortality and stroke, particularly in the first year after discontinuation and in recently menopausal women, according to research in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.“Our findings question the safety of annual discontinuation practice to evaluate whether a woman could manage without HT,” Tomi S. Mikkola, MD, PhD, of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Helsinki University…

Melanoma Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Melanoma is one of the most dangerous skin cancers and the number of new cases diagnosed each year is on the rise. Understand your options for melanoma treatment. Download our free Melanoma Treatment Guide and get the answers you need.

Addyi Is Here!
The medication, Addyi, is now available in select pharmacies by approved prescribers. Below is Dr. Holly L. Thacker's, Executive Director of Speaking of Women's Health, statement for the upcoming Innovation Summit where flibanserin is listed as one of the Top 10 Innovations of the year.
Tips for Achieving Orgasm
Ask the Nurse
I can’t seem to have an orgasm. I need help, please.
Permanent Female Sterilization Options
Ask the Nurse
I am 34 years and I have one child and I am not looking to have another. I have high blood pressure and my first child was a risk. What are my options for permanent sterilization?

Holiday Bars
Recipe Box
Holiday ingredients create an easy festive bar cookie.
This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC Too Hot in the Kitchen: Secrets to Sizzle at Any Age - 200 Simple and Sassy Recipes.
Hormone Therapy for Vaginal Dryness and Preventing Osteoporosis
Ask the Nurse
I am 52 years old and post-menopausal. In January, I had a surgical biopsy of my breast following the discovery of "pre-cancerous" or "high risk" cells. No cancer was found, but my doctor stopped my hormone therapy anyway. Almost immediately, I developed osteoporosis and severe vaginal dryness.
I am taking Actonel now for osteoporosis, but am having difficulty with the cost. Less expensive options have more serious side effects. I have yet to find a non-estrogen remedy for vaginal dryness that works for me. Is there a compelling reason not to go back on hormone therapy?
Hot off the Press! Highlights from the 2015 National Menopause Society Meeting
Drs. Elim Shih and Heather Hirsch discuss the latest groundbreaking medical updates for women, including highlights from the 2015 National American Menopause Society meeting and Addyi, the first medication for women suffering from low sexual desire.
No Sex Drive
Ask the Nurse
I’m 32 yrs old and married, but I never feel the appetite to have sex.
Dr. Holly L. Thacker Featured in Cleveland Business Connects
To know Holly Thacker, MD, is to quickly discover the passion and work she accomplishes on behalf of women – especially those navigating their way through midlife.The nationally recognized leader in women’s health, who has a lengthy accomplishments list that includes serving as professor at Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University and prior leadership roles for the North American Menopause Society and the National Osteoporosis Foundation, views such responsibilities as…

Perimenopause Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Perimenopause can be confusing and frustrating. Symptoms can significantly affect your quality of life when you’re at the peak of your career, finally enjoying time alone with your partner, or hope to find more time for hobbies. Our free guide discusses the many treatment options available to manage symptoms.
Vaginal Dryness Treatments
Ask the Nurse
What are your recommendations for vaginal dryness? I had a prescription for estrogen, but it was too expensive. What are my other options?
Treatment Options for Hair Loss
Ask the Nurse
I have hair loss on the top of my head. I read about the HairMax laser, is this a good option? What about light therapy?
4 Simple Exercises for Back Pain
Got back pain? Try ‘superman’ and 3 more exercises. Back pain is often a result of the aging process for many people, but there are steps you can take to keep your back strong and healthy. Try these four back stretches at home today.
Do Birth Control Pills Increase a Woman's Breast Cancer Risk?
In this video, Jame Abraham, MD, comments on this controversial topic and offers insight about a recent study associating oral contraception use with higher breast cancer risk. The amount of estrogen women take is a key factor, he says.