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Female Sexual Empowerment

Female Sexual Empowerment


Read Dr. Michael Krychman, MD's column on female sexual empowerment. Dr. Krychman is an OB-GYN, sex therapist and leading women's sexual health expert. He has spoken out in favor of "Even the score" for women and sexual function therapies at the FDA level. The score is currently 26-0, which is 26 approved medicinal therapies for male sexual dysfunction and zero for women.

Urinary Tract Infections: What Foods to Avoid

Health Information

Certain foods can contribute to urinary frequency, urgency and discomfort. If bladder symptoms are related to dietary factors strict adherence to a diet that eliminates the food should bring marked relief in 10 days. Once you are feeling better, you can begin to add foods back into your diet, one at a time. If symptoms return, you will be able to identify the irritant. As you add foods back to your diet it is very important that you drink significant amounts of water. These foods below are…

Chronic Pelvic Pain: What’s a Woman to do?

Chronic Pelvic Pain: What’s a Woman to do?


Read Dr. Elim Shih's, board certified family medicine physician and a Cleveland Clinic women's health fellow, guest column on chronic pelvic pain in women. Dr. Shih has conducted research in neuromodulation and effects of treatments in women with chronic pelvic pain and has worked closely with Cleveland Clinic Staff Physician and gynecologic surgeon, Dr. Mary Jean Uy-Kroh, who leads the Cleveland Clinic Chronic Pelvic Pain Multidisciplinary Center.

Urinary Leakage in Women


Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses how women can treat and prevent urinary incontinence.

Blackened Fish

Blackened Fish

Recipe Box

Restaurant friendly recipe with no fuss and lots of flavor in this quick dish. Any fresh fish may be used such as grouper, halibut, tilapia, trout or catfish. This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC KITCHEN 101: Secrets to Cooking Confidence: Cooking Basics Plus 150 Easy Healthy Recipes.

Should You Worry About Shrinking as You Get Older?


One of the common changes for women as they grow older is to lose a small amount of height -- most women will lose up to an inch. Dr. Holly L. Thacker says this happens because you lose the space in the discs that support the bones in your spine.

To keep your bones healthy as you get older, make sure your diet includes foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients are essential to maintain strong bones, but they cannot reverse or treat bone loss, which is called osteoporosis.

It’s time for concern when your physician has documented a loss in height that exceeds an inch and a half.

Women and Excessive Sweating

Ask the Nurse

What can I do to relieve constant sweating?

Snappy Salmon Burgers

Snappy Salmon Burgers

Recipe Box

Fresh salmon makes all the difference with these sensationally delicious burgers full of snap and pop!

This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC KITCHEN 101: Secrets to Cooking Confidence: Cooking Basics Plus 150 Easy Healthy Recipes.

Treatment for Painful Intercourse

Ask the Nurse

I have been widowed for a long time and have met someone. Intercourse is extremely painful and I would like to get some easing of these symptoms. I’m 67.

Hormone Replacement Therapy's Effect on Breast Cancer Risk


Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the latest study on hormone replacement therapy and the affects it has on a woman's risk for breast cancer.

Breast Cancer and Hormone Therapy Treatment

Ask the Nurse

I just had a double mastectomy for stage 2 ductal cancer. It was hormone receptor positive. They told me I could not continue my Prempro, which I was using for hot flashes and insomnia. Since then, I have started Arimidex and have been in misery. My physician said I could consider stopping Arimidex if I wanted to restart hormone therapy because I feel so miserable. I would appreciate your thoughts and opinion on this matter. Thank you.

Deciphering Pelvic Floor Medical and Surgical Interventions

April 29, 2015


Host Michael Krychman, MD

Bladder leakage is one of many health-related issues that our female patients deal with. There are newly available treatment options, including non-surgical options, to help remedy the problem. Host Dr. Michael Krychman welcomes Dr. Holly Thacker to decipher the pros and cons of the various options available. Dr. Holly L. Thacker, nationally known for her leadership in women’s health, is the founder of the Cleveland Clinic Women’s Health Fellowship and is currently Professor and Director of the Center for Specialized Women’s Health at Cleveland Clinic and Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. She is also author of two books: Women’s Health: Your Body, Your Hormones, Your Choices and Cleveland Clinic Guide to Menopause.

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Numbness and Tingling in Hands and Feet

Ask the Nurse

I am experiencing numbness in my feet and tingling occasionally in my hands. My glucose is between 80 and 90. I used to be hyphypoglycemic and I wonder if I should have that checked?

The Great Success and Enduring Dilemma Of Cervical Cancer Screening


Cervical cancer, which still kills about 4,000 American women every year, is almost entirely preventable. Proper screening can catch early warning signs that could lead to cancer without the right treatment. But how often women should get screened and which tests should be used has been hotly debated by women, doctors and medical researchers for the past decade.On Thursday, the American College of Physicians weighed in with guidelines, endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and…

Summer Skin Care

Summer Skin Care


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on “Fun in the Sun!”

Berry Good Oatmeal Cookie Cake

Berry Good Oatmeal Cookie Cake

Recipe Box

A best ever luscious cookie cake, picture perfect and perfect tasting from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC Too Hot in the Kitchen: Secrets to Sizzle at Any Age - 200 Simple and Sassy Recipes.

Is There a Time Limit for Hormone Therapy?

Ask the Nurse

I’m 66 and I was on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for about 10 years, but stopped using it for the last seven years. Is there any evidence to show that I need to go back on HRT? If so, how long are you supposed to use HRT?

Menopause and Weight Loss

Ask the Nurse

I’m 48 and going thru menopause. I have gained 30 pounds and I am anemic. I take vitamins and iron pills, but I still have no energy or weight loss. I have two young kids and it’s hard to keep up with them. I need help with weight issues. I tried exercise and eating well, but nothing helps.

Vaginal Itching

Ask the Nurse

I have been using Intensity for approximately two months with no problems. I have been experiencing uncomfortable vaginal itching the last couple of days. I did not use the Intensity today.

I do have e-string and was using Premarin, but I have not used those for the last couple of weeks. I would appreciate any advice you could provide me to help relieve my symptoms and how to proceed with the Intensity treatment.

How to Avoid Overuse Injuries

How to Avoid Overuse Injuries


Read guest columnist Dr. Heather Hirsch's column on overuse injuries and how these injuries can be prevented.