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Congenital Heart Disease Treatment Guide

Congenital Heart Disease Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Patients with congenital heart disease require specialized care throughout their life and treatment is based on the type and severity of the defects. Download our free comprehensive guide on congenital heart defects to learn more about the diagnosis, symptoms and treatments.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Treatment Guide

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), you may have a lot of questions or uncertainty. Download the treatment guide and learn more about advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of HCM, medical management and follow-up and HCM in children and the role of genetics.

Marfan Syndrome Treatment Guide

Marfan Syndrome Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Marfan syndrome requires a specialized and experienced approach to care since it affects the connective tissue of the body and causes damage to the heart, aorta and other parts of the body. Download our free treatment guide to learn more about Marfan syndrome's effect on your heart, genetic testing and the latest medical and surgical treatment options.

Heart Valve Disease and Surgery

Heart Valve Disease and Surgery

Treatment Guides

Download our Valve Disease Treatment Guide and learn more about heart valve disease including the latest valve replacement and repair treatment options and what you can expect before and after surgery.

Pericarditis Treatment Guide

Pericarditis Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Pericarditis is a complex condition that requires experienced physicians and a multidisciplinary approach to care. Download our free guide to learn more about Pericarditis symptoms, causes, and diagnosis, the latest medical and surgical treatment options and possible complications including constrictive pericarditis and pericardial effusion.

Ventricular Tachycardia Treatment Guide

Ventricular Tachycardia Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Download our free guide to learn more about causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of Ventricular Tachycardia, popular treatment options including catheter ablations and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) and follow-up care with your doctor.

Concussion Treatment Guide

Concussion Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Every year over one million Americans suffer a concussion from falls, sports activities and car accidents. Educating yourself about concussions and their potential dangers can help lead to more prompt recognition, evaluation and recovery. Download our free Concussion Guide to learn more about identifying concussion signs and symptoms, evaluation, diagnostic testing and treatment and steps for recovery and return to activities.

Epilepsy Treatment Guide

Epilepsy Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Download our free Epilepsy Patient and Surgery Guides to learn more about the latest treatment and management information including diagnostic, imaging and testing tools, advanced monitoring technology for patients with severe epileptic seizures, types of seizures and surgery options and post-surgery recovery and follow-up.

Movement Disorders Treatment Guide

Movement Disorders Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Download our free treatment guide to learn more about the latest medical and surgical treatment options for movement disorders including Parkinson's disease, Essential tremor, Huntington's disease, Dystonia, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Restless legs syndrome and Tourette syndrome.

Vasculitis Treatment Guide

Vasculitis Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Although some forms of vasculitis can be mild and resolve on their own, other types may involve critical organ systems in the body and can be life threatening. Download our free Vasculitis Treatment Guide to learn more about the types of vasculitis, symptoms, who is most at risk for developing vasculitis, how vasculitis is diagnosed, the latest treatment options and tips on how to live with vasculitis.

Pediatric Scoliosis Treatment Guide

Pediatric Scoliosis Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Scoliosis can lead to severe consequences in adulthood, including lung and heart problems and potential back pain. That's why it is important to detect scoliosis as early as possible, monitor its progress and intervene when necessary. Download our free pediatric scoliosis guide to learn more including the main types of scoliosis in children and how to identify scoliosis early through new innovative tests.

Adult Scoliosis Treatment Guide

Adult Scoliosis Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature and rotation of the spine. The good news is that treatment is available for adults with worsening or painful curves to help improve symptoms and correct the spine's deformity. Download our free Adult Scoliosis Treatment Guide to learn more about types of scoliosis seen in adults, causes and symptoms, medical and surgical treatments and the difference between scoliosis and kyphosis.

Genitourinary Reconstruction Treatment Guide

Genitourinary Reconstruction Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Download our Genitourinary Reconstruction Treatment Guide to learn about treatment options for conditions including erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, Peyronie's disease, penile fractures, urethral strictures and urinary fistulas and congenital and urological conditions (birth defects).

Kidney Transplantation Treatment Guide

Kidney Transplantation Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Deciding to undergo kidney transplantation is a decision for you, your family and physician to make after careful thought and discussion. To help you evaluate all of your treatment options, we have created a comprehensive guide to assist you during the decision-making process.

Lisa Larkin, MD, FACP, NCMP

Medical Advisory Panel

Dr. Lisa Larkin is a board-certified internist who has been practicing internal medicine and women's health in Cincinnati since 1991. After 11 years of teaching and practicing at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine, she opened her own internal medicine and women's health practice guided by a philosophy of providing high-quality, evidence-based personalized care to patients. Her larger vision was to create a comprehensive, evidence-based,…

Italian Wedding Soup

Italian Wedding Soup

Recipe Box

Need to hint to your honey about the big day, or looking for a calming comfort food? Think of this as a first-rate chicken soup with mini-meatballs and loads of flavor.

This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC Too Hot in the Kitchen: Secrets to Sizzle at Any Age - 200 Simple and Sassy Recipes.

Chunky Corn Chowder with Kale and Sweet Potato

Chunky Corn Chowder with Kale and Sweet Potato

Recipe Box

Corn chowder packed with fabulous flavors and good nutrition - all in one bowl.

This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trim&TERRIFIC EATING WELL TO FIGHT ARTHRITIS: 200 easy recipes and practical tips to help Reduce Inflammation and Ease Symptoms.

Health Tests For Women


Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses what health tests women should be considering in 2015.

What do Measles, Babies and Disneyland Have in Common?

What do Measles, Babies and Disneyland Have in Common?


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's column on the recent measles epidemic and what you can do about it.

What Are Superfoods and Should You Eat Them?

What Are Superfoods and Should You Eat Them?


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's column on what constitutes a Superfood and whether you should include eating superfoods for supper.