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Strengthening a Woman's Bones
Ask the Nurse
I had a bone density recently and was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I just started alendronate. In addition to walking, rowing and using the elliptical, what else can I do to strengthen my bones?
Peri-Menopause and Osteoporosis
Ask the Nurse
I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my hips in 2007. I am still peri-menopausal but have been taking medication since that time. My last bone density test showed osteoporosis is now in my spine. My physician doesn’t think it is necessary to change my treatment.
I started on Fosamax, but after 4 months I started having side effects, so I was switched to Actonel. I am not due for another year for a bone density. I don’t like to eat dairy foods, but I eat a yogurt every day. I take 500mg of calcium with 200iu D3 3 times a day.
Thyroid Condition
Ask the Nurse
In reference to the Thyroid, I am on 0.112mg of synthroid due to being hypothyroidism, following radiation some years ago. My question is, my new physician only runs the TSH blood test to monitor my level. When running the TSH alone, my blood level is within normal limits.
In the past, my previous doctor had run additional tests when he would check the TSH, FT3 and FT4. I was told by my previous doctor that running the TSH by itself is not an effective way of keeping the thyroid in check. I am still feeling fatigue, always cold, dry skin, dry hair. Should I push the issue with my new Primary Care Physician to be more aggressive when he monitors my level?

Leukemia Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Knowing your options is the first step in successfully treating leukemia or myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Learn more by downloading our free Leukemia Guide. This resource offers detailed information on the following causes of leukemia and MDS, how these conditions are diagnosed and medical and surgical treatment options.

Lung Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Being diagnosed with lung cancer, mesothelioma or rare tumors of the chest wall and mediastinum raises many questions. It is important to learn and understand the available treatment options for you to take control of your health. Download our free Lung Cancer Treatment Guide to learn more about diagnosis and management, stages and types and the latest medical and surgical treatment options.

Lymphoma Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Cleveland Clinic offers personalized treatment options for lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and Burkitt's lymphoma. This allows patients to have the greatest chance of curing their condition and living a long and healthy life. Our free downloadable lymphoma treatment guide includes causes of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, how these conditions are diagnosed and medical and surgical treatment options.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Knowing your options is the first step in prostate cancer treatment. Decide which approach is best for you by downloading our free Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide.

Bladder Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Knowing your options is the first step in bladder cancer treatment. Decide which approach is best for you by downloading our free Bladder Cancer Treatment Guide.

Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Being diagnosed with any form of head and neck cancer raises many questions. It's important to learn about all available treatment options, benefits and risks. Download our free Head and Neck Cancer Treatment Guide for comprehensive information on treating cancers of the mouth, nose, sinuses, salivary glands, throat, pharynx, larynx and lymph nodes in the neck.

Brain Tumor Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
If you have been diagnosed with a brain or spine tumor, you may have many questions about the treatment process. Download our free brain and spine tumor guides and learn more about care prior to, during and after treatment.

Gamma Knife Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Gamma Knife radiosurgery is one of the most advanced and minimally invasive options for brain tumor treatment. For many patients, the Gamma Knife can target and reduce tumors and lesions deep within the brain with pinpoint accuracy that can't be matched by traditional surgery. Since it is an outpatient procedure with no incisions necessary, Gamma Knife patients also benefit from reduced treatment and recovery time.

Kidney Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Knowing your options is the first step in kidney cancer treatment. Decide which approach is best for you by downloading our free Kidney Cancer Treatment Guide. This resource offers detailed information on minimally invasive surgery options, including laparoscopic and robotic techniques, non-surgical therapy options and what to expect after kidney cancer surgery.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a congenital heart condition that requires complex care. Download our free HLHS guide to learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for your child before birth, immediately after birth and into childhood. This guide will empower you to ask the right questions about HLHS and its effects and make the best choices for your child's ongoing care.

Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
As a parent or caregiver, you may feel helpless as you watch your child become depressed, miss school and drop out of sports and outside activities because they are in pain. Download our free guide and learn about the types of chronic pain conditions, including complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), our individualized, two-part inpatient and day treatment approach.

Pectus Excavatum Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Pectus excavatum is a congenital chest wall deformity, also known as "funnel chest" or "sunken chest," characterized by a deep depression in the sternum which can cause chest compression, breathing difficulties and heart conditions. Learn more about pectus excavatum and the Nuss procedure by downloading our free treatment guide. The guide includes information on symptoms and diagnosis, minimally invasive chest correction including a video on the Nuss procedure and post-operative planning and…

Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Get the facts your family needs to make an informed decision when considering a blood and marrow transplant (BMT) for your child. Download our free BMT guide and learn more about the blood and marrow transplant process, diseases successfully treated with BMT and what to expect before, during and after the procedure.

Tetralogy of Fallot Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a congenital heart condition that requires complex care. Our team of specialists have an outstanding reputation for successfully and compassionately handling the most complex cases of congenital heart disease Download our free TOF guide to learn about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options for your child.

What to Expect From Your Pediatrician
Treatment Guides
Keep in mind that a pediatric visit is not just for your child. Children may change rapidly. A visit with your pediatrician is the perfect opportunity to ask about ways that you can promote safety, a healthy diet, appropriate behavior and social interaction during these stages of dramatic change.

Hearing Loss Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Knowing the cause and degree of hearing impairment can help physicians determine which hearing aid is right for you. Please download our free comprehensive guide to learn more about hearing loss and how it is diagnosed, available treatment options, our hearing loss and hearing implant specialists, types of hearing aids and hearing loss in children.

Voice Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Learn more about voice problems by downloading our free Voice Treatment Guide. This comprehensive resource provides the facts you need when considering voice rehabilitation and preservation options as well as medical and surgical therapy.