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Risks and Effectiveness of Compounded Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: A Case Series


Ruth Davis, Pelin Batur, MD, FACP, NCMP, CCD, and Holly L Thacker, MD, FACP, NCMP, CCD ABSTRACT After the publication of the Women’s Health Initiative, attitudes towards management of menopausal symptoms changed dramatically. One alternative that has received much media attention is the use of bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT). The media and celebrity endorsements have promoted a number of misconceptions about the risks and benefits associated with the various forms of BHT. This article will…

Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment Guide

Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be extremely overwhelming. Download our free comprehensive guide to learn more about how CKD is diagnosed and an explanation of its stages, CKD treatment options and the advantages of treatment at a specialized CKD clinic.

Sinus Disorders Treatment Guide

Sinus Disorders Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

More than 30 million adults are diagnosed with sinusitis in the US each year due to allergies, the common cold or mucus blockage. Download our free Sinus Disorders Treatment Guide for detailed information on the types and causes of sinus problems, minimally invasive treatment options and common myths about sinus surgery.

Retinal Diseases Treatment Guide

Retinal Diseases Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

Seeking treatment as soon as possible is beneficial when it comes to many retinal diseases. Download our free Retinal Diseases Guide and learn more about the latest treatment options for retina disorders, state-of-the-art diagnostic technology, pediatric retina specialists and genetic and familial eye diseases.

Laser Vision Correction Treatment Guide

Laser Vision Correction Treatment Guide

Treatment Guides

By correcting visual problems in the eye itself instead of relying on glasses or contact lenses, laser vision correction surgery provides hassle-free normal or near-normal vision for many patients. Our free downloadable packet covers the following information the latest treatment options, frequently asked questions, criteria to be a candidate, what to expect before and after surgery and how to schedule a free consultation.

Laser Cataract Surgery Guide

Laser Cataract Surgery Guide

Treatment Guides

Is femtosecond laser cataract surgery right for you? Get our free fact sheet to learn how to determine if you’re a candidate, the benefits of femtosecond laser cataract surgery and how it works and what you can expect.

Yam Chocolate Spice Bars

Yam Chocolate Spice Bars

Recipe Box

One bite of this incredible fall favorite made with a spice cake mix, yam filling and chocolate chips was a taste sensation. This will be a requested recipe. Good use for leftover cooked sweet potatoes.

This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trim&TERRIFIC® Eating Well to Fight Arthritis cookbook.

Cranberry Nut Oatmeal Bread

Cranberry Nut Oatmeal Bread

Recipe Box

This festive sweet and tart oatmeal grainy bread uses the whole bag of cranberries, as I always hated a small amount of cranberries left in a bag.

This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trim&TERRIFIC® Eating Well to Fight Arthritis cookbook.

Women's Bladder Issues

October 20, 2014


Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the various bladder issues that women deal with and what treatment options are available on the September 9, 2014 "What Women Want" Radio Show on WINT AM 1330.

Listen to the Podcast

Answers to all Your Stress Questions

Answers to all Your Stress Questions


Read Dr. Lynn Pattimakiel’s first Speaking of Women’s Health column where she discusses how women can identify their stress sources and what they can do to minimize stress in their lives.

Speaking of Women’s Health Encourages Parents to Feed Babies’ Brains by Reading Aloud


Did you feed your baby’s brain today?

That’s a question that Speaking of Women’s Health and its partner, Read Aloud 15 MINUTES, want parents and caregivers everywhere to answer with a resounding, “Yes!”

Using Talcum Powder Near Female Genitals

Ask the Nurse

What is the health risk of Talcum powder near the vagina? What about baby corn starch powder? Can female infants be at risk if baby talcum powder is used on them?

Colon Cancer Treatment Information

Ask the Nurse

Where can I obtain the latest information on colon cancer treatment?

Family History of Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Ask the Nurse

I am 63 years old with a history of breast cancer. I am in remission after a bone marrow transplant in 1991.

My sister died of ovarian cancer three years ago. I have not been sexually active in 14 years. Do I need to be screened for ovarian cancer, and if so, what doctor can I see?

Achieving Your Ideal Weight

Ask the Nurse

What is the proper way to lose weight and cook regular meals for my busy family when I am the only one dieting in the family? I am currently overweight at 227 pounds and I am trying to lose at least 60 pounds in the next four months. How much should I diet to achieve my goal?

Breast Cancer Risk

Ask the Nurse

My mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, but she only had to do radiation. Is this something I should be concerned about?

Also, is a physician or midwife right for me? How do I know? My husband and I just got married and want to try to start a family soon.

Post-Hysterectomy Treatment

Ask the Nurse

I am 37 years old and just had a full hysterectomy 3 months ago, which removed my uterus and both ovaries. My doctor started me on estradiol orally right away. After one week, I noticed some stomach upset and was switched to the estrogen patch 0.05, which improved my symptoms but my heart started to race. The rapid heart rate made me nervous. I would be lying down feeling very calm and my heart rate would be 107.

So I just took off the patch and have gone without treatment for 2 months. Now I’ve had some hot flashes associated with anxiousness and mood irritability. Because of this, I retried the patch and within a couple of hours I felt better and more calm, but then my heart began racing again. So, once again I removed the patch. Is this normal? What can I do?

Menopause Symptoms: Vaginal Dryness and Painful Intercourse

Ask the Nurse

I had an endometrial ablation a couple of years ago and my sex life has completely changed. I am now experiencing vaginal dryness and my libido is on zero. I also am experiencing painful intercourse and am having light bleeding after sex.

I changed doctors because I wanted a female doctor. My physician gave me a blood test and said I was not in peri-menopause because I am only 47 years old. Can you please tell me how can I get some relief?

Painful Sexual Intercourse

Ask the Nurse

I am having pain during intercourse. What are some possible reasons for this pain?

Climaxing During Sex

Ask the Nurse

My partner loves foreplay before sex which gets me aroused, but when it comes to climaxing, I have trouble. I then lose interest and I feel I may be letting my partner down, and I wonder if I am truly interested in sex? Please help me understand the reasons for this and any possible solutions.