Ask the Nurse

How can I cope with emotional changes during menopause?

Declining levels of estrogen during menopause can cause physical symptoms such as hot flashes and fatigue, as well as:

  • Irritability
  • Sadness
  • Aggressiveness
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Lack of motivation
  • Mood changes

Sadness and irritability are the most common emotional symptoms of menopause. Keep in mind that these symptoms are linked to other diseases as well. For example, irritability can be caused by a number of other medical conditions. Let your doctor know how you are feeling so that more serious conditions can be ruled out.

Meanwhile, lifestyle changes can help you to manage the emotional changes of menopause. Here are some tips for handling any fluctuating emotions during this time:

  • Exercise and eat a healthy diet.
  • Choose and practice self-calming strategies such as yoga, meditation or rhythmic breathing.
  • Avoid tranquilizers and alcohol.
  • Find a creative outlet to foster a sense of achievement.
  • Stay connected to family and your community.
  • Nurture your friendships.

Although menopause does not cause depression, some women develop symptoms of depression during menopause. If you feel increasingly unable to cope, see your doctor. He or she can prescribe medicines such as antidepressants and/or therapy to support during this time.

All My Best,
Speaking of Women's Health Nurse

July 21, 2014 at 6:22am