Allison Vidimos, MD
Allison Vidimos, MD is a physician in the Cleveland Clinic’s Department of Dermatology as well as a Mohs surgeon.
She was appointed dermatology chairwoman at Cleveland Clinic in 2005 and retired from that position in 2024. She has encouraged volunteer efforts for the members of her department and this has resulted in many free skin cancer and hair loss screenings in the Cleveland community since 1991.
An adoring mother, she and her husband, a Cleveland Clinic staff neuroradiologist, have two daughters. She is a member of a team who travel to Honduras every year to treat the underserved. The group includes her daughter, Cleveland Clinic physicians and physicians from all over the country. Each year, over a six-day period, the team treats approximately 3,000 patients with a wide range of medical issues, including minor skin surgeries. She also volunteers with the St. Basil Life Teen Program.
Dr. Vidimos, with an enormous sense of humor, has lectured extensively, including several years as a Speaking of Women's Health break-out session speaker. She has written numerous journal articles, more than 40 publications and book chapters and recently edited and co-authored a text book on Dermatologic Surgery. She has been elected to “Best Doctors in America” yearly since 1996. She was awarded the Physician Role Model Award from her residents in 2009.
Dr. Vidimos was born and raised in northwest Indiana. She completed pharmacy school at Purdue University, and received her medical degree from Indiana University. She did her residency and fellowship at Cleveland Clinic and joined the staff in the Department of Dermatology in 1991. She served as Program Director of the Dermatology Residency from 2000 to 2006.
Dr. Vidimos’ passion to serve the less fortunate, and to treat those who medically need her help, earned her the distinction of the Speaking of Women's Health Honoree in 2009.
To request an appointment with Dr. Vidimos, please call 216-444-CARE.