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The Joy of Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season

The Joy of Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s latest column on the joys of the holiday season and how to make the most of the time with family and friends, while staying happy, healthy and in charge!

Women Deserve to Have Low Libido Treated!

Women Deserve to Have Low Libido Treated!


Read guest columnist Dr. Michael Krychman's, noted OB-GYN physician and sex therapist, exciting column on female sexual function, low libido and sexual therapy controversies.

5 Tips For New Moms

5 Tips For New Moms


Dr. Kristi Tough DeSapri shares her experiences of navigating motherhood with her first child.

Women and the Establishment Heart Mammograms: But do Mammograms Heart Women?

Women and the Establishment Heart Mammograms: But do Mammograms Heart Women?


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s latest column about a 25 year Canadian study involving 90,000 women randomized to either yearly mammography or yearly breast exam that showed no survival benefit for women ages 40-59 getting annual mammograms.

What Can Be Done About Excessive Weight Gain?

What Can Be Done About Excessive Weight Gain?


Read weight expert Karen Cooper’s column on weight problems in women and available treatments, including the vexing menopausal mid-abdomen excess.

6 Reasons Why You May Be Feeling More Tired Lately

6 Reasons Why You May Be Feeling More Tired Lately


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s latest column about why you may be feeling extra tired lately and what you can do to help extreme fatigue.

New Mom’s Food Fight: Breast Milk vs. Formula

New Mom’s Food Fight: Breast Milk vs. Formula


Read Dr. Kristi Tough’s educational and uplifting column about feeding your baby.

More Than a Feeling. Female Orgasm.

More Than a Feeling. Female Orgasm.


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's column about female orgasm, female sexual dysfunction and on-label and off-label treatments.

Controlling Your Bowels!

Controlling Your Bowels!


Read Dr. Massarat Zutshi's guest column on fecal incontinence and what treatments and methods are available for women.

May Day!

May Day!


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's column on the importance of the month of May for women. This month, we celebrate Osteoporosis Awareness Month and Mother's Day.

Lose Weight and Become Less "Sweet” by Improving How Your Body Responds to Insulin!

Lose Weight and Become Less "Sweet” by Improving How Your Body Responds to Insulin!


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on powerful insulin sensitizers, which can help midlife women lose weight and other folks who have metabolic issues, including abdominal weight gain, elevated blood sugar, elevated triglycerides, pre-diabetes and the dreaded type-2 diabetes.

​Let’s Get Physical, Physical!

​Let’s Get Physical, Physical!


Read guest columnist Stetson T. Thacker, PhD’s column on how to get physically fit.

An Overview of Your Skin

Health Information

The Basics Skin is the largest organ on our body, made up of components like water, protein, lipids and different minerals and chemicals. It takes a lot to protect you, too: your skin weighs just about six pounds and regenerates itself approximately every 27 days. Proper care and treatment is essential to maintaining the health and vitality of this crucial protection. What Your Skin Demands Daily It’s easy to skip that glass of water during the haste of your daily routines or to cleanse…

Dreaming of a Good Night’s Sleep?

Dreaming of a Good Night’s Sleep?

Health Information

Tips on Sleep Posture, Pillow Placement and More We don't often think about our spines when we're lying in bed. But our sleep posture can determine our spine wellness – and whether or not we experience back pain. So when we turn in for the night, it's wise to remember these tips from the Cleveland Clinic Center for Spine Health: Keep your spine in a neutral position. You can accomplish this by changing from an innerspring mattress (shown below) to a foam mattress, altering your sleep…

A Colonoscopy Can Save Your Life

Health Information

Colonoscopy: What's Stopping You? A colonoscopy can save your life. Learn more about colorectal cancer prevention and treatment. Common Concerns and Answers About Having a Colonoscopy “I'm not at risk for colon cancer." The truth is: Everyone is at risk. One in 18 American men and women will get colon cancer in their lifetime. (See below for additional risk factors.) “I don't have any symptoms." In nearly all cases, colon cancer starts as a precancerous growth in the colon called…

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic Exercise

Health Information

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise Aerobic exercise provides cardiovascular conditioning. The term aerobic means "with oxygen," which means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that can make it to the muscles to help them burn fuel and move. The benefits of aerobic exercise include: Improves cardiovascular conditioning Decreases risk of heart disease Lowers blood pressure Increases HDL or "good" cholesterol Helps to better control blood sugar Assists in weight management…

Busting 6 Drinking Myths

Busting 6 Drinking Myths

Health Information

The holiday seasons mean parties, and parties mean drinking — as in "drinking in the New Year." We asked Gregory Collins, MD, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Alcohol and Drug Recovery Center, to set the record straight on myths about drinking. Myth No. 1: Drinking Perks You Up at Parties. Only partially true. Alcohol is a brain depressant that first acts by shutting off "executive functions" like judgment, mood control and natural inhibitions. Some people experience this as elation and…

Coping With the Symptoms of Menopause

Health Information

Not all women experience menopause in the same way. For some, menopause can bring on uncomfortable symptoms. Others may experience few discomforts. Visit the listing below for helpful tips on how to cope with your menopausal symptoms. Relieving Hot Flashes Identify and avoid your hot flash "triggers." Common triggers include stress, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, tight clothing, heat and cigarette smoke. Keep the bedroom cool. Use fans during the day. Wear light layers of…

Diagnosing and Treating Headaches

Health Information

What Kind of Headache Do You Have? In order to treat a headache properly, you must first know which type of headache you suffer from. The primary types of headaches are: TensionClusterReboundMigraine Tension Headaches Tension-type headaches usually feel like a dull ache on each side of the head.Cluster Headaches Cluster headaches are rare and usually strike men. They produce sharp pain around one eye and are dubbed "cluster" headaches since they usually occur in clusters, then disappear…

Facts About Osteoporosis

Health Information

Prevalence of Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a major public health threat for more than 28 million Americans, 80 percent of whom are women. In the United States today, 10 million individuals already have the disease and 18 million more have low bone mass, placing them at increased risk for osteoporosis. Learn more by viewing the facts below: 80 percent of those affected by osteoporosis are women. 8 million American women and 2 million men have osteoporosis, and millions more have low bone…