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Cervical Dysplasia
Ask the Nurse
My sister just had a pap smear and the results showed cervical dysplasia. What exactly is this and could she be at risk for cancer?
Thyroid stimulating hormone levels
Ask the Nurse
I recently had blood work done because I have been very fatigued and have experienced a real loss of energy. My Vitamin D level was 17.8 and my Free T4 was .49. My TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was in the normal range of 2.09. My doctor put me on a Vitamin D supplement. Will the Vitamin D make my thyroid level go back up, and do you think I should be on thyroid medication? My doctor says that I should get my blood work done in two months and see how it is then.
Vaginal Warts
Ask the Nurse
I am 59 years old. I noticed a wart growth almost at the entrance of my vagina. It has been there for more than five months. Recently I applied garlic overnight to the site and after two days it was gone. I am still worried. Do you think the wart is a sign of some disease? What do you recommend that I do to avoid a reoccurence?
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Ask the Nurse
My daughter was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Does this mean she won’t be able to have children?
Fibroids and a Hysterectomy
Ask the Nurse
My doctor says I have fibroids and need a hysterectomy. Are there any other options?
Plastic water bottles and pregnancy
Ask the Nurse
I’m pregnant and people keep telling me to stop drinking out of plastic water bottles. What’s the problem with them?
Tips to Help Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
Ask the Nurse
I’ve had two urinary tract infections in the past year. Why am I getting them and what can I do to prevent them in the future?
Birth Control Pills and Acne
Ask the Nurse
Do progestin-only birth control pills cause acne, or should I be concerned about Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? I did not have acne when taking a combined pill.
Intense hunger
Ask the Nurse
I am wondering what can be the cause of intense hunger. I eat 4-5 times a day and still it seems that I am always hungry. If I try to put it off too long I will get a really bad headache and in some cases feel kind of like I am going to pass out. What’s really weird is that it just came on in the last few weeks. Any ideas of what I should be checking into?
Bacterial Infection Risks
Ask the Nurse
My daughter’s college roommate just informed her that she had a bacterial infection. She was having abdominal pain which brought her to the doctor. What is the risk factor for my daughter?

Migraine Headaches
Health Information
What is a migraine headache? A migraine headache is a primary headache disorder that effects approximately 12 percent of the population. It is a headache that tends to recur in an individual and is moderate to severe if left untreated. It can be one sided, throbbing and aggravated by routine physical activity. It can be associated with light and sound and even smell sensitivity and many patients will become nauseated with it. In a minority of patients there can be visual or sensory changes…
Premature Ovarian Failure
Ask the Nurse
I was recently diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure and extremely high, off the charts FSH. I am 32 years old and was in the process of planning to increase our family when I was diagnosed. My doctor put me on a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), a combination pill of constant estrogen and progesterone to help with some symptoms I was experiencing. I know there is a very small chance of still getting pregnant while on HRT but my question is, is there one HRT better than another for improving my already slim chances of pregnancy?
Natural Antidepressants vs Medical Antidepressants
Ask the Nurse
Do you have any knowledge about natural antidepressants compared to medical?
Hiccups and Chest Pain
Ask the Nurse
Not every time, but sometimes when I eat, I start to get hiccups and then experience pain in my upper chest area. I then feel that I have a lot of mucus to spit up. I have Tourette Syndrome and I turn my head to the left a lot and have neck and face twitches. I am sometimes stressed when I am eating a meal, but not all the time.
Do Naps Disturb Sleep?
Ask the Nurse
Do afternoon naps help or disturb sleep later on at night?
Do women and men have different heart attack symptoms?
Ask the Nurse
Do symptoms differ in women suffering a heart attack then men?
The difference between pre menopause, perimenopause and menopause.
Ask the Nurse
What’s the difference between pre menopause, perimenopause and menopause? How will I know when I’m there?
Consulting a fertility doctor
Ask the Nurse
My husband and I are both in our late 30s. We have been trying to conceive for a year. Should we start to think about consulting a fertility doctor?
Does Menopause Decrease Sexual Activity?
Ask the Nurse
Will menopause decrease my sexual activity?
Ovarian Cysts
Ask the Nurse
My daughter is 18 and she has strong pain every month. The doctor said she probably has some cysts on her ovaries. Can this be true if she is this young?