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Hormone Replacement Therapy Benefits

Ask the Nurse

Can you tell me please, what are the benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Treatment Options for Fibroids

Ask the Nurse

My doctor says I have fibroids and need a hysterectomy. Are there any other options?

Pros and Cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Ask the Nurse

My sister is on hormone replacement therapy. I’m not sure if I should consider it. What are the pros and cons?

Bone Density Tests

Ask the Nurse

My friend just had a bone density test. What kind of test is this and do I need it?

Diagnosis of thick uterine lining

Ask the Nurse

I was recently diagnosed with a thicker than normal uterine lining (11.5 mm) by my Ob/Gyn through a vaginal ultrasound. He would like to biopsy and possibly a D&C (dilation and curettage). Sounds fine, but I believe in also preventing the problem from occurring again.

Through personal research my understanding is that during perimenopause the lining can become thicker due to a lack of progesterone. Obesity and endometriosis are two other factors, but they do not apply to me. The most likely explanation is low progesterone. Also, please note that I have been taking Estrotone® (made mostly from Black Cohosh) to eliminate the hot flashes and moodiness on my own for the past year. It helped, but I’m afraid it may have now made me estrogen dominant. I would like to have my blood work run so a complete hormone panel can be run and evaluated. In which case, if I need progesterone afterwards, we know for sure rather than just guessing. In your opinion which medical doctor is most qualified to run and interpret this type of panel?

Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ask the Nurse

I am diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis but have been told lately I am seronegative. When I see other specialists they act like I don’t have anything wrong. I am starting to have almost as much muscle pain as I do joint pain. Can you help me understand why and what I can do about it?

Sun exposure and Vitamin D

Ask the Nurse

How much of the body has to be exposed without cover to get enough Vitamin D? Ten minutes is always the time I find when researching, but I cannot find out how much of the body has to be actually exposed.

I am experiencing hot flashes - is this menopause?

Ask the Nurse

I am 51 years old and have gained weight and have regular periods. I am always warm and I am experiencing periodic hot flashes. Is this menopause? I have had my thyroid levels checked and they are normal. Could it be something else?

Uncontrollable gas

Ask the Nurse

I have uncontrollable gas. It has no pattern and it is worse if I have to urinate. Can you please offer any advice to control the gas?

Restless Leg Syndrome

Ask the Nurse

After 51 years of restless leg syndrome, I began taking 50mg of 5-HTP (5-hydroxtyptophan), recommended by a friend. My restless leg goes away when I take the medicine. My doctor does not approve of OTC’s and naturals. I also take 3bp meds: 5 mg amlodipine, 40mg Lisinopril and 12.5mg Hydrochlorot.)

Am I doing harm to myself by taking the HTP? The restless leg was so severe that at times it would drive me to tears and walking the floor. Thank you for being here.

Hormone Therapy pellets

Ask the Nurse

Are bioidentical hormone pellet implants safe and effective?

Pregnancy in your 40s

Ask the Nurse

I just turned 40 on May. Five days before my birthday, I found out I was pregnant. Six weeks later, I miscarried. I am devastated; I really wanted to have a baby. We were not trying to get pregnant and were surprised to find out I was.

Now that I have been pregnant I want to try to see if I can get pregnant again. However, I am afraid of all the problems that I could face because of my age. The OB I saw did not seem too happy when I told her I wanted to try again and listed all the reasons I should not get pregnant, including chromosomal problems, preeclampsia, diabetes and pre-term birth. Are all these problems guaranteed to happen to me or the baby because of my age?

Tips for Hot Flashes

Ask the Nurse

Can you please provide me some simple remedies for night sweats? I seem to get hot flashes on and off, especially when I am worried or stressed about something. It almost feels like I am having a mini panic attack. I cool down fast during the day, but at night the hot flashes are really annoying.

Itchy Scalp

Ask the Nurse

Why does my scalp itch so badly? I noticed my face has gotten very dry as well. I’m using Obagi on it. I’m 50 years old and taking Estratest Low Dose. I am 5’4", 132 pounds and eat really healthy. I have thick, course dark brown hair that I get colored. And I use Keratin Straightener the one with just Keratin.

But my scalp has been doing this for some time. I want to think it’s not neurological. My mother was diagnosed with Pick’s Disease when she was 40 years old.

Are my fevers associated with hot flashes?

Ask the Nurse

I am 61-years-old and have been suffering with fevers ranging from 96.5 to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit for more than six weeks. I was referred to an infectious disease specialist where everything looked normal more or less. The doctor did prescribe an antibiotic because in addition to the fevers, I have really bad congestion.

I am wondering if these fevers could be solely from medications I am taking or can you experience some type of hot flash in my age bracket? I am taking a plant-based estrogen and progesterone.

Why do I have thinning skin and bleeding?

Ask the Nurse

I am 59 years old, post-menopausal, in good health, and at a healthy body weight. For the last 3 - 4 years I have had problems with thinning of the skin on my hands, arms, and upper body, and excessive bleeding under the skin. At this point, the slightest bump or scrape results in skin tears with a lot of bleeding, and/or large (sometimes painful) ’blood blisters’ (1" to 3" or more in diameter). I often attract comments from total strangers who assume I am taking blood thinners. Articles I have read essentially credit this sort of thing to aging (but cite 70s+ as the bracket) or some condition, (ex: adrenal tumors) which my general good state of health would seem to exclude.

I eat a balanced diet, including taking a green food supplement and a liquid-form multi-vitamin daily. The only medication I take is Vesicare (on it for less than 8 months). I do not see a doctor, other than my OB/GYN, routinely.

Is this actually ’normal’ at my age or should I be concerned? Is there anything diet-wise that might improve the situation?

I have not had a period, can I still get pregnant?

Ask the Nurse

I am 49 and I have not had a period for two years. I got the Mirena® back in 2009, but they could not find it on the ultrasound when I came back for a checkup. Either it came out or fibroid tissues have surrounded it. My question is can I get pregnant even though I have not had a period?

Too Much Calcium In My Diet?

Ask the Nurse

I wonder if I can have too much calcium in my diet? I eat a lot of non-fat Greek yogurt, low-fat cheese and drink at least two glasses of non-fat milk daily. I take a Nature Made 600 mg calcium supplement (60 percent DV) and a Nature Made Multi for Her + 50 (I’m 70), which has 30 percent DV. I also take 1000 IU of D3 and take a D3 supplement of 1000 IU.

Gaining Weight on Hormone Replacement Therapy

Ask the Nurse

I am getting ready to start Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) after a complete hysterectomy. Will the estrogen patch cause weight gain? I am prescribed 0.075 mg.

Hysterectomy - Do I Have Other Options?

Ask the Nurse

I am scheduled for a full hysterectomy for 16 week fibroids. I have a lot of anxiety and fear for the upcoming surgery. Shouldn’t I have been presented with other non-invasive treatment options? I’m not 100 percent on board with this surgery.