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Pancreatic Disease Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Download our guide to learn more about the types of common pancreatic diseases such as acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, available diagnostic tests and innovative medical and surgical treatment options.

Hemorrhoids Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Hemorrhoids are nothing to be ashamed of, and there is no need to suffer. Download our free guide today and begin your road to recovery.

Hernia Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Download our free guide to learn about what a hernia is and how it's caused, hernia symptoms and when you should seek treatment and advanced treatment options for hernias.

Thyroid Conditions Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Thyroid disease affects an estimated 20 million Americans, many of whom are unaware that they have a condition. Diagnosis and treatment are key to managing a thyroid problem, and will help to control the related symptoms.

Sclerotherapy Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Treatment goals for varicose and spider veins include reducing symptoms and preventing complications, while improving the look of your legs. There are several treatment options for problematic veins and our team works with each patient to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Coronary Artery Disease Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Learn more about coronary artery disease (CAD) including the causes, symptoms and risk factors, the difference between angina and a heart attack and the latest medical and surgical treatment options.

Sleep Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Identifying the reason for the sleeping problems is vital, because the treatment choices depend on the type of each individual's sleep disorder. Download our free treatment guide to learn more about different types of sleep disorders in adults and children, tailored treatment options for adults and children and good sleeping habits.

Sexual Health in Menopause
Treatment Guides
There are no standards of how often you should have the desire to be intimate. If you are bothered by increasing age affecting you in the bedroom, download this free guide to help you understand what's going on and restore your enjoyment.

Birth Control Options Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Make the right birth control choices for your lifestyle. Download a free guide to learn about the daily and permanent options that could be right for you.

Hand and Wrist Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
When hand and wrist pain interferes with typing on your computer, spending time on your hobbies or even getting yourself ready in the morning, it’s time to seek medical advice. Download our free hand and wrist pain guide on common conditions and treatment options.

Oral Cancer Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Being diagnosed with oral cancer raises many questions. It's important to learn about all available treatment options, benefits and risks. Download our free head and neck treatment guide and get the answers you need.

Swallowing Disorders Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Affecting more than 15 million Americans, swallowing and esophageal disorders can range in severity and be chronic concerns that plague daily life. Download our free treatment guide to learn more.
Atrial Fibrillation
Ask the Nurse
When you are in a-fib, is it hurting your heart? I know it can cause a stroke, but what else is it doing to my body?

Kidney Stones Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Kidney stones send half a million people to the emergency room every year. In most cases, stones pass through the body naturally, but some stones cause complications that may require additional medical and surgical treatment. Download our free treatment guide to learn more.

Asthma Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Know the severity of your asthma to get the appropriate treatment. Take our severe asthma questionnaire and download a free asthma guide to learn about the options available to you.

Back Pain Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
At some point in their lives, eight out of 10 Americans will suffer from back pain. Even the most basic tasks can become difficult and painful for people with back and neck problems. Download the free Back Pain Treatment Guide to learn more about medical and surgical treatment options for chronic back pain.

Foot & Ankle Pain Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
The average person will walk the equivalent of four times around the world in his or her lifetime. So it's hardly surprising that nearly three-quarters of Americans will eventually experience some type of foot or ankle problem. Download our free guide that discusses common foot and ankle conditions and available treatment options by our specialists at Cleveland Clinic.

Elbow Pain Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Elbow pain is extremely common – whether due to aging, overuse, trauma or a sports injury. When elbow pain interferes with carrying the groceries, participating in your favorite activities or getting a good night's sleep, it's time to seek expert advice. Download our free guide that discusses common elbow conditions and injuries and treatment options.

Pain Management Guide And Newsletter
Treatment Guides
There are many safe, proven treatments available that can eliminate or reduce chronic pain. The sooner you seek effective treatment, the sooner you can start enjoying life again. Download our free pain management guide to learn more about the different treatment options for chronic pain related to any type of disease, injury or accident.

Shoulder Pain Treatment Guide
Treatment Guides
Shoulder pain and injuries are extremely common – whether due to exercise, age, overuse injuries or trauma. In fact, they account for nearly 20 percent of visits to the doctor's office. When shoulder pain interferes with your ability to do the things you need to each day, its time to seek medical advice. Download our free guide that discusses common shoulder conditions and available treatment options.