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Ask the Nurse
Recently, I’ve been having a problem with my body overheating. I’m 71 years old and post-menopausal. It’s a very uncomfortable situation, and I would like to know if there is a natural way to balance my hormones without going on HRT.
I didn’t experience any problems going through menopause, it was a breeze for me. I keep a close eye on my blood pressure and it is steadily normal. Normal for me is on the low side, which is lucky for me.
Weight Loss Beverages
Ask the Nurse
Is there a beverage I can make at home that is beneficial to weight loss? I know water is best, but I hear about beverages that can boost weight loss. Is this true? I am healthy otherwise, but overweight.
Ask the Nurse
Is there any possible way to get rid of cellulite on legs, mostly inner thighs and the front of my thighs? I am at a healthy weight for my height and run almost every day. What are my options?
Perimenopause Symptoms
Ask the Nurse
Can hormone changes during perimenopause cause vulvar burning, itching or redness?
Tests ruled out any infection, and multiple treatments with topical steroids only make the symptoms worse. Oral steroids have not helped either. I have gone soap-free for that area and for undergarments as well. It is very uncomfortable for even simple activities like walking and sitting.
Back Pain
Ask the Nurse
After working in my garden for a few hours, I am experiencing pain in my lower back. I do not take any prescribed drugs, but should I ask my doctor for a muscle relaxer?
I do lie down and put my feet flat on the floor, which helps ease the pain. After several days of rest, I start to feel better, but I do need to work in my garden again.
Health screenings and guidelines for women in their 60s
Ask the Nurse
What should a preventative maintenance program for a woman over age 65 look like? I scheduled a pap smear and pelvic exam with my family doctor, and she did not think this was necessary at my age. However, she did not discuss why or discuss what checkups I should be scheduling at my age.
Overactive Bladder
Ask the Nurse
I have an overactive bladder and I do not want to take medications. I just joined a gym and I have been drinking the recommended measure of water each day. Is there any tip to help me NOT have to urinate so frequently?
Tips to Lose Belly Fat
Ask the Nurse
I had a partial hysterectomy and now most of my weight is in my midsection. Is it possible to lose belly fat and make my stomach flat again? What exercises can I do to get rid of the extra weight?
Rosacea Treatment
Ask the Nurse
Can you tell me what kind of treatment is available for rosacea? I have really bad bumps and redness on my face. I know there is a way to treat it, but how? I keep washing my face day and night, and the doctor gave me some medicine, but neither are helping. What can I do?
Lowering LDL Cholesterol
Ask the Nurse
I recently read a newsletter that featured a section on lowering one’s LDL and it recommended the use of statins. However, and given this is a newsletter specifically focused on women’s health, it has been my understanding that there has been no good research results to date linking the use of statins to lower LDL in women and the prevention of heart disease.
I have had high LDL since my early 30s, and despite the fact that I eat almost no saturated fat and I exercise frequently and rigorously, it has not gone down. I did go on a statin for a while, but felt some muscle weakness, which I did not want to tolerate, as I felt it was interfering with my workouts. Because of my concern and because I could find no good evidence for the use of statins in women, I discontinued its use.
I would love to hear your opinion and that of other medical professionals from the Center for Women’s Health on this issue. Thank you.
Is My Headache Normal?
Ask the Nurse
Most people I know have headaches. How do I know what is normal and what is not?
Lactose Intolerance
Ask the Nurse
What prevents Lactose intolerance?
Omega-3 Supplements and Fish Allergies
Ask the Nurse
I am 42 years old and I don’t have any health problems, but I have had some joint pain in my hip area. I read an article that taking an Omega-3 supplement would help with some joint pain.
However, I am allergic to fish and shellfish (I am able to eat canned fish and tuna). Is it safe to take the Omega-3 supplement with my fish allergy?
Hysterectomy and Hot Flashes
Ask the Nurse
What is the best hormone therapy (HT)? I had a hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy when I had surgery for creation of an ileostomy. I still have issues with hot flashes, but I do not like taking pills. Is there another option?
Skin Tags
Ask the Nurse
I am 22 years old and I have a skin tag on my left hip. It is not painful, but it is in an uncomfortable area and really bothers me.
Are skin tags dangerous? How can I remove my skin tag?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Ask the Nurse
I’ve heard of IVF, but am not really sure what it is. Can you explain it?
Ask the Nurse
What if they see something on my mammogram? How accurate is it?
Hyperhidrosis: Excessive Perspiration
Ask the Nurse
My 75-year-old mother sweats a lot, especially under her hair (her forehead is always dripping). She is post-menopausal.
I used to sweat profusely from under my hair; I had to wear a bandana everyday to keep the sweat out of my eyes. My dermatologist prescribed oxybutnin for me and it has been a God-send. Who should my mother see? Is this hormonal or some other issue?
My menstrual cycle is inconsistent
Ask the Nurse
I am a 55 year old female with a normal menstrual history from age 13 through age 50ish. The last couple of years, my menstruation has been more frequent and heavier. It stopped for six months before last October, then once in October and once in January. Then I had a bit of spotting, then nothing for five months.
Five days ago, I had a heavy flow start. In April, at my normal pap exam, my doctor thought she saw something, so I was sent for a follow up with a sonogram. The doctor at the sonogram appointment thought she saw something as well, so she referred me to an oncologist who recommended removing everything.
I went for a second opinion with an equally qualified top doctor who said the previous physicians read the sonogram incorrectly and everything was fine. This physician did a cervical biopsy, which came back negative. I have been experiencing extreme stress this past month, could that have been the cause of my recent bleeding?
Nightly Leg Cramps
Ask the Nurse
I am experiencing leg cramps at night. The cramps keep me awake at night.
I do take potassium daily. Can you give me any advice to help minimize the nightly leg cramps?