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Unintentional weight loss
Ask the Nurse
I am worried. I have weighed the exact same (from 209-216) for over 10 years. I am 5’10" and understand I am obese. The problem I have is I have dropped 4 dress sizes in the last two years, but lost no weight with out any improvement in the amount of exercise or a better diet. I am wearing clothes that I have had for ten years that are loose on me now that were tight on me. I do not understand what is going on. I have been told that as women age they expand around the hips and stomach but that is where my clothes are the most loose. No other part of my body seems bigger as nothing is tight now where it was not before. I am 35 years old and have never had kids. I just married and am looking to have a child in the next few years. I want to be healthy when we start to try. Any ideas on what I should ask my doctor about?
Ask the Nurse
My husband recently had a vasectomy. How do we know if the procedure worked?
Hair Loss
Ask the Nurse
I am losing hair. Do I need to start using Rograine or is it a temporary result of:
- A new diet started in last month eating 2/3 fruits and vegetables for every 1/3 protein and grain
- Dental work in last month - crown followed by root canal - many x-rays
- Menopause - I stopped over 10 years ago.
What should I do?
Pelvic exams after hysterectomy
Ask the Nurse
I had a partial hysterectomy (still have my ovaries) and my G.P. told me I didn’t need pelvic exams. Several of my friends who have had the same procedure get pelvic exams. Should I have one?
Does Hormone Replacement Help With Weight Loss?
Ask the Nurse
If I take Hormone Replacement Medication for my menopause symptoms, will I stop gaining weight?
Chemo and hair loss
Ask the Nurse
In 1989 I had breast cancer, my hair came out and never fully came back to it’s original fullness. As of now I wear wigs. Is there anything else that I could do as far as vitamins or diet are concerned? I had chemo, went through a period of menopause for a year, but, I had no other problems. I am healthy.
Urinary Tract Infections More Common in Menopausal Women
Ask the Nurse
I thought I had a urinary tract infection about three weeks ago and went on an antibiotic (Cipro). I am not feeling better and was told to go on Macrobid. It helped for awhile, however, the pressure, slight burning and frequency to urinate has returned. I was given Premarin and have used this for four nights, but I’m still not feeling better.
I did see a Urologist and all of the cultures have been negative. Any thoughts?
Mediterranean Diet Can Help With Weight Loss in Women
Ask the Nurse
I’ve been on the Atkins diet for about 3 months and have reached a plateau, how can I get past this stage and lose the remaining pounds?
Accidentally Missed a Birth Control Pill?
Ask the Nurse
I have been taking birth control for a few months now. I accidentally dropped one down the sink so I took the next day one instead. Then that week I started my period even though I was still on the blue pills. I was reading that if you forget to take them the right way to throw out the current pack and start a new one, but I am still bleeding (not as heavy) but still enough to have to wear a pad or tampon.
Is this still normal since it has only been 3 months since I started taking birth control again (I am 42)?
HDL levels
Ask the Nurse
Recent blood work revealed that my HDL is low. My new primary care physician seemed unconcerned. What can I do to raise my HDL level? My long time physician recently retired and scheduled blood work for me every three months. My new primary care physician is scheduling only every six months or 12 months. I am 80-years-old and get fairly good reports although my triglycerides and cholesterol are slightly elevated. Should I be concerned about this?
Long term Hormone replacement therapy
Ask the Nurse
I am almost 65 and have stopped taking hormone replacement therapy after 20 years. I am sleepless and suffering from hot flashes. What can I take to lessen these effects?
Estradiol Vaginal Ring
Ask the Nurse
I am an Estring (Estradiol Vaginal Ring) user. I have great difficulty removing it myself. Will it make a difference if I wait until my regular exam to have it removed? It will be 3 weeks later than the 3 month time period? I suppose the medication will be depleted by then. But is it that critical?
laryngopharyngeal reflux
Ask the Nurse
Is there a cure for LPR (Laryngopharyngeal) reflux? I am not a medication person and do not want to take Zantac forever.
Pagets Disease
Ask the Nurse
I would like to know what Paget’s Disease is and what the symptoms are.
Bone pain in the hips
Ask the Nurse
I am 71 and beginning to have some pain in my hips. I exercise three hours a week and walk 1/2 mile each day. Is it better to push through the pain or better to lay off for a day?
Swollen cervix
Ask the Nurse
What are the most common causes for a swollen cervix without other symptoms?
Vitamin B12
Ask the Nurse
How much is too much B-12? Does taking B-12 pills help one have more energy?
Vivelle dot and thin skin
Ask the Nurse
I am 55, post-menopausal and have been on the lowest dose of Vivelle-dot patch for 18 months. My skin is quite thin, most notably on the inner thighs, which appears striated and is tender and is prone to pimples. Would a higher dosage patch encourage the skin to thicken?
Carbohydrates and a Healthy Diet
Ask the Nurse
Can you please explain how carbohydrates affect our weight and how to figure out how many carbs you should have in your daily diet?
Menstruation and Digestion Issues
Ask the Nurse
Before my period begins, I experience digestion issues, including gas and diarrhea. How can I prevent or minimize these issues?