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Sexual Vitality
January 23, 2010
Heavy Periods
February 2, 2010
What Can I Do About Dry Eye?
February 2, 2010
If your eyes feel gritty or itchy or produce excess tears you might suffer from dry eyes. Learn more about what causes dry eyes and how to ease the symptoms by listening to the podcast below.
Menopause & Sexuality
February 2, 2010
A Solution for Bladder Leakage Without Surgery
July 31, 2014
Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses a non-surgery solution for the 20 million women (postpartum & menopausal) in the U.S. afraid to laugh, sneeze or exercise for fear of accidental bladder leakage in this radio interview with WELW-WINT in Willoughby, Ohio.
Discover Your Everyday Super Heroes
“Everyday superheroes" are individuals who are there for us when we need them, whether we recognize them or not.
Secrets of Great Skin
It's important to keep your skin healthy as you age. Dr. Thomas offers some easy tips on how to make your skin appear younger for longer.
Finding the Gifts in Everyday Life
Sometimes it's difficult to keep a positive attitude. This video teaches you how to focus only on the good.
The Power of Humor
Humor can be an important tool in living a healthier life. Learn how to laugh every day to release stress and anxiety.
Discover Your Everyday Super Heroes
Become your own superhero by focusing on the best parts of you. Discover how honoring “you” can lead to empowerment.
I Am Woman, I Am Strong, I Am Invincible, I Am Pooped!
It can be difficult getting through life. Explore how a little humor goes a long way to lift your spirits.
Safeguard Your Financial Future
In these tough financial times, it's important for both men and women to know how to safeguard their investments. Learn how to secure your finances now.
Teen Self-Esteem
Mothers need to set a healthy example for their children. Give your children positive self-esteem and help them grow into a happy adults.
Extreme Self-Care
If you're the type of person who always focuses on others, you can forget to focus on yourself. Learn how to take some time out of the day to focus on you.
Positively Speaking
It's important to learn how to communicate more effectively. Learn how humorist Linda Larson nurtures good dialogue by focusing on the communication between men and women.
Stop Smoking by Week 15 if Pregnant
Explore how women who stop smoking by week 15 of their pregnancy can decrease the risk of low birth weight or premature birth.
Osteoporosis Fractures and Death Risks
Elderly adults with fractures due to osteoporosis have an increased chance of death in the next five years, according to an Australian survey. Watch this video to learn more.
Density tests help ID fracture, osteoporosis risks
According to studies, you can delay getting a bone density test for up to five years after your first test at the age of 65. Learn more to see if you are eligible.bone
Hormone Therapy Reduces Colorectal Cancer Risk
Hormone replacement therapy, often given to menopausal women, may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Learn more about how the benefits of hormone therapy outweigh associated risks.
The Link between Female Contraceptives and Cardiovascular Disease
A new study suggests that women who use hormone replacement therapies for birth control, like the “pill,” may increase their chances for cardiovascular disease. View the video to see if you are at risk.