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The AHAH Group Response to the USPTS Update on use of Hormone Therapy
AHAH is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the health of women who have had a hysterectomy. In the USA, there are 8 million such women who are under age 60 with half of them age 45 or younger. On behalf of these women, we would urge the USPSTF not to suggest that estrogen therapy (ET) deserves a grade of D for disease prevention because the totality of recent data supports a higher grade.
Dr. Holly Thacker Talks How To Fix A Leaky Bladder
Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses how to take control of your sensitive bladder with Dr. Mache Seibel in the latest issue of The Hot Years: My Menopause magazine. Dr. Mache: How common is sensitive bladder? Dr. Thacker: Up to one in three women has some of these problems during their lifetime. It's because the vagina is essentially a hole in the pelvic floor. Dr. Mache: It's probably a little to do with having babies, too. Dr. Thacker: Absolutely, it's affected by childbearing, childbirth,…
ERAAs for menopause treatment: Welcome the ‘designer estrogens’
This review summarizes how ERAAs can be used in combination with an estrogen or alone to treat menopausal symptoms (vasomotor symptoms, genitourinary syndrome of menopause), breast cancer or the risk of breast cancer, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and other female midlife concerns.Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. Release date: June 1, 2017 Heather D. Hirsch, MD, MS, NCMPAssistant Professor, Clinical Internal Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University,…
How do I know I've reached menopause if I'm on birth control?
Ask the Nurse
I’m 46 and perimenopausal for 6-7 years. I take Yaz birth control.
I still get light periods, but how will I know what hormonal stage I’m in if I’m on the pill? The weight gain and hot flashes really bother me.
Acid Reflux Treatment
Ask the Nurse
I am a 61 year old woman. Lately, I have woken up in the middle of the night with acid reflux. It’s so bad that I feel I have something stuck in my throat. I swallow, but it is still there. What over-the-counter medicine can I take beside Tums?
How long do hot flashes last?
Ask the Nurse
When do hot flashes stop? I am 63 and still have them.
Breast-feeding linked to lower risk of endometrial cancer
An analysis of 17 past studies suggests that while breast-feeding for any period of time appears to lower a woman’s risk of endometrial cancer, mothers who breast-fed for the recommended six months lowered their risk even further. Surpassing the 6-9 month recommended timeframe for breast-feeding seemed to have little benefit, the researchers said, but those who had ever breast-fed their children were 11 percent less likely than women who had children but didn’t breast-feed to be diagnosed with…

Tropical Fruit Pizza
Recipe Box
A big sugar cookie topped with luscious cream cheese filling and tropical fruit creates an easy and picture-perfect tropical decadence with seasonal fruit.
This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trimandTERRIFIC® Eating Well To Fight Arthritis
NAMS Releases Its 2017 Hormone Therapy Position Statement
June 2017 -- “Hormone therapy remains the most effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms and the genitourinary syndrome of menopause and has been shown to prevent bone loss and fracture,” says Dr. JoAnn V. Pinkerton, NAMS Executive Director and Chair of the Position Statement Advisory Panel. “NAMS discovered through its review of the literature published since the 2012 Position Statement that its previous position that hormone therapy should be prescribed only for the ‘lowest dose for the…
Metformin: New Benefits (and Risks) For This Old Diabetes Drug
July 2017 - If type 2 diabetes is part of your life—whether you have the condition or are at risk of developing it—you’ve probably heard of a drug called metformin. Perhaps your doctor has told you about it, has recently started you on it or has been prescribing it to you for years to keep your blood sugar under control. It’s no newbie. Metformin has been available by prescription in the US for more than 20 years and in Europe for more than 40 years. US doctors write nearly 60 million…
Skin care
Ask the Nurse
Can I use an astringent and a collagen gel before I apply my moisturizer with 25 spf? I have had one spot of skin cancer removed with MOHS technique.

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause and Breast Cancer Survivors
Read Dr. Anna Camille Moreno’s column on genitourinary syndrome of menopause or commonly known to us as vulvovaginal atrophy.

Pulled Chicken
Recipe Box
Forget barbecue when you can instantly whip up this awesome and simple pulled chicken recipe. Serve on sandwiches, sliders or as an entrée.
This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trimandTERRIFIC® KITCHEN 101: Secrets to Cooking Confidence.
Dr. Holly Thacker Named "Top Doctor"
Dr. Holly L. Thacker is named "Top Doctor" in the August 2017 edition of Cleveland Magazine. This is a tremendous honor that recognizes both Dr. Thacker's commitment to her patients and to Cleveland Clinic.
Speaking of Women's Health Named Best Women's Health Blog of 2017
July 2017 -- Speaking of Women's Health's column is named best women's health blog in 2017. Healthline carefully selected the most up-to-date, informative, and inspiring blogs that aim to uplift their readers through education and personal stories. Read More

Yoga: What Every Woman Needs To Know
Read Dr. Sabrina Sikka’s column on yoga, and what every woman needs to know about yoga and may not have asked.

Southwestern Roasted Vegetables
Recipe Box
A fantastic satisfying vegetable entrée as the spicy taco seasoning perfectly contrasts the naturally sweet yams.
This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trimandTERRIFIC® Eating Well Through Cancer.

Food Can Improve Your Health - But Be Wary As Some Foods Can Affect Medications
Dr. Holly L. Thacker and her son Stetson T. Thacker, PhD discuss how eating certain foods can help improve mental and physical health. And conversely, how some foods can affect your medication levels!
Live Well: August 2017
Dr. Holly L. Thacker shares advances and innovations in women's health.Live Well: August 2017 -- An informed woman is a strong woman. Understanding the latest innovations and options for treating health problems can improve lifestyle, longevity and outlook on life. Research is uncovering new ways to treat common problems women face, from a leaky bladder to depression during pregnancy. We talked to three Ohio hospital systems about innovations in women’s health that are providing more treatment…
Internist Involvement Crucial to Easing Early Menopause
About half of women begin menopause by age 51 years, according to the National Institute on Aging, and some women may experience its symptoms as much as a decade before that. “It is very important for primary care physicians to be involved and assess for menopause in women of this age because a lot of women past childbearing years do not necessarily continue to see their OB/GYN,” said Holly L. Thacker, MD, professor and chair of the Center for Specialized Women's Health at Cleveland Clinic…