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Low Sex Drive in Women
Ask the Nurse
I am 51 years old and do not have the urge to have sex. I do not lubricate, and when I do have sex it hurts. Please advise!
Choosing Shoes for Common Foot Problems in Women
Ask the Nurse
Are athletic shoes with the rocker soles better for your feet than regular sneakers? I have chronic plantar fasciitis, tendonitis and arthritis. The rocker soles shoes do feel better.
Severity of Menopause Symptoms Could Help Predict Heart Disease
New study evaluates effect of menopause and depression on vascular functionHeart disease remains the leading cause of death in women. A study of 138 menopausal women examined the association of mood, symptoms, and quality of life measures with the key markers of vascular aging, a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Study results are published online today in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS). It’s no secret that the…
Stopping Estrogen Treatment
Ask the Nurse
I am 66 years old. I had a total hysterectomy when I was age 52. Since then, I have been on Premarin. I have weaned myself off Premarin to start taking Estradiol, which my doctor has prescribed for me.
I don’t see any difference in the two medications. I would like to get off estrogen altogether, is that possible? Are there side effects at this age?
Remove Barriers and Simplify the Regimen to Increase Access to Contraception
Clinicians should target a regimen for birth control that is simple and medically appropriate to help cut down on the significant rate of unintended pregnancies, Pelin Batur, MD, NCMP, CCD, education director in primary care women’s health at the Cleveland Clinic, told Healio Family Medicine. “With all contraceptives, when you put human error into it, the effectiveness goes down,” Batur said. Another step practices can take to improve use of contraception is to recognize that screening for…
Bacterial Vaginosis
Ask the Nurse
I’ve struggled with bacterial vagina infections for months. I complete the antibiotics and still have the infection. How can I fix this as it’s frustrating for me and my partner? Is there a way my partner could be treated as well?
Migraine Symptoms
Ask the Nurse
I am 36 years old and have just recently been diagnosed with migraines. I went through a lot of tests to rule out serious issues that may be causing the migraines and have seen a neurologist. I am not having the migraines as intensely or as frequently, but I am still having out of the ordinary symptoms that are alarming at times.
Some of the symptoms are hard to describe. I just don’t think it is migraines that I am having. I thought about seeing an endocrinologist. Would they be able to help me determine what is going on?

Pregnancy and Antidepressant Therapy
Read our guest columnist, psychiatrist and forensic psychiatric expert, Dr. Rupali Chadha’s column on antidepressant therapy in pregnancy.
No Sexual Desire and Vaginal Dryness
Ask the Nurse
I had a hysterectomy in 2005, 13 years later I have no sexual drive and severe vaginal dryness. I am on antidepressants and have had back surgery. I still have my ovaries, but I have gone through menopause. My husband is 14 years younger and is still very interested in sex as where I have NO desire. What is your advice?
Moms: Treat Yourself to Good Health Year-Round
Women, especially moms, are often in the business of taking care of everyone and everything - except themselves.
It's always a great time to encourage moms to treat themselves to good health. Dr. Holly L. Thacker encourages women to put themselves first year-round! She says once a year women need to hit several checkboxes to ensure good health.
Are Testosterone Pellets Safe?
Ask the Nurse
What is the latest information and safety profile for testosterone pellets?

Flank Steak in Coffee Marinade
Recipe Box
Its grilling time and wait until you taste this amazing marinade. Coffee adds depth and flavor while being a natural tenderizer for a rich, flavorsome meat. When making morning coffee, save some for the marinade and toss on grill when get home. Gluten-free recipe.
This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trim&TERRIFIC® Guy’s Guide To Eating Well.

A Guy's Guide To Eating Well
Beside every great man is a strong woman to help push him in the right direction. We want to keep our men healthy by preventing any sort of disease that may come his way.

The Latest Recommendations on Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccination
Read guest columnist and researcher Dr. Miriam Cremer column on what’s new on pap smears and HPV vaccines and gynecologist Dr. Lynn Simpson’s sage comments on what to do if you have HPV.
FDA Approves Novel Preventive Treatment For Migraine
FDA News Release The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Aimovig (erenumab-aooe) for the preventive treatment of migraine in adults. The treatment is given by once-monthly self-injections. Aimovig is the first FDA-approved preventive migraine treatment in a new class of drugs that work by blocking the activity of calcitonin gene-related peptide, a molecule that is involved in migraine attacks. “Aimovig provides patients with a novel option for reducing the number of days with…
You First: Bone Health
Dr. Holly L. Thacker and Dr. Abby Abelson discuss the importance of bone health for women.
Is my ovary working?
Ask the Nurse
I recently had a hysterectomy leaving one ovary. I was started on oral conjugated estrogens daily as I had a high FSH test at 8 weeks. Would an estradiol test show a reading on Premarin, as my estradiol showed 197 last week? Could my ovary be working again?
Tips for Healthy, Hair, Skin and Nails
Dr. Melissa Piliang shares tips for healthy hair, skin and nails.

Fresh Corn Salad Recipe
Recipe Box
A fresh and tasty summer vegetable recipe with crunchy cool cucumbers, ripe juicy tomatoes, creamy avocados and corn. A nutrition-loaded side dish to any meal. Easy corn salad recipes are great summer meals or use as a salsa or condiment.
This Fresh Corn Salad recipe from Holly Clegg's Guy’s Guide to Eating Well cookbook is one of our favorite summer easy corn salad recipes.
If you only eat corn on the cob and don’t use it in recipes, you are missing out! There’s nothing like fresh corn on the cob to use in recipes. Honestly, there isn’t much to it and really is quick to do. Just get a sharp or serrated knife and scrape the corn off the cob lengthwise or check out my gadgets.
IMVEXXY™ (estradiol vaginal inserts) Approved for the Treatment of Moderate to Severe Dyspareunia
TherapeuticsMD, Inc. (NASDAQ: TXMD), an innovative women's healthcare company, today announced that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved IMVEXXY™ (estradiol vaginal inserts) for the treatment of moderate-to-severe dyspareunia (vaginal pain associated with sexual activity), a symptom of vulvar and vaginal atrophy (VVA), due to menopause.