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New Menopause Hormone Therapy Position Statement released by NAMS
Read menopause specialist Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on the newly released position statement from the North American Menopause Society about menopausal hormone therapy.
Researchers: Hormone Replacement Therapy Does Not Increase Early Death In Women
PHILADELPHIA (CBS)—Fifteen years ago, scientists said hormone replacement therapy was risky. Now the research is showing it does not increase premature deaths. Hormones were once considered a fountain of youth for menopausal women, but millions stopped taking them after the 2002 landmark study revealed hormone therapy could increase the risk of breast cancer, strokes and heart disease. But now, follow-up research says women who took either estrogen or a combined estrogen-progestin…
Lichen Sclerosis
Ask the Nurse
Can you please provide me with information on Lichen sclerosis?
Chronic Kidney Disease
Ask the Nurse
My wife has chronic kidney disease. Should she avoid whey protein? Is there any protein supplement that she can safely take?

Take Care Of Yourself While Caregiving For Others
Former national keynote speaker for Speaking of Women’s, Jennifer Lewis-Hall, shares five easy ways for women to take care of themselves while caregiving for family members.
Hormone Options for Menopause Symptoms
Ask the Nurse
My 53 year old daughter is going through menopause and having a lot of symptoms: stress, emotional distress - ups and downs, and is unable to take estrogen due to the sores she gets on her hands. She has taken birth control pills since she was 16 years of age.
She is currently off estrogen and her hands cleared up. Is there any other substitute or natural or holistic treatment to help with her menopause symptoms?
Data Shows That Hormone Therapy is Safe for Women
September 2017 - Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the latest data that continues to prove that hormone therapy is safe for women who are suffering from menopause symptoms.
New USPSTF Draft Recommendation on Cervical Cancer Screening
Dr. Anna Camille Moreno discusses the new U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's recommendation on cervical cancer screening.

Stuffed Artichoke Casserole
Recipe Box
No fuss with stuffing this artichoke! Mix all the ingredients in one skillet, close your eyes and you will think you are eating a stuffed artichoke. Outstanding, simple and one of my most popular recipes!
This recipe is from Holly Clegg's trimandTERRIFIC® KITCHEN 101: Secrets to Cooking Confidence.

Migraines and Hormonal Contraception: Controversies and Options
Read Dr. Camille Moreno's column on the controversies regarding migraine headaches with aura and the use of hormonal contraception.

8 New Things Women Should Know About Menopause
Dr. Sabrina Sikka shares the top eight articles from 2017 that was discussed at this year's North American Menopause Society (NAMS) meeting.

Being Grateful and Giving Back
Cleveland Clinic Administrator Chad Kunkle discusses how to give back to your community and show gratitude during the holiday season.
FDA Approves and ACIP Recommends Shingrix Shingles Vaccine
FDA approves and ACIP recommends Shingrix for adults aged 50 years and older to prevent shingles.Almost 1 out of 3 people in the US will develop shingles during their lifetime, and there are approximately 1 million cases a year. Most people who get shingles will have it only once. However, it is possible to get it a second or even third time. The risk of getting shingles increases with age, especially after age 50. The most common complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). About…

Hair Loss, What’s A Woman To Do?
Read Dr. Camille Moreno's column on hair loss evaluation and treatments for women.
BMI May Affect Timing of Menopause
Women with a low BMI could have an increased risk of early menopause. A study reveals 30% higher odds of early menopause in underweight women (BMI, < 18.5 kg/m2), while overweight women (BMI, 25 kg/m2 to 29.9 kg/m2) had a significant 21% to 30% lower odds. Early menopause is associated with increased health risks for CVD, osteoporosis, cognitive decline and earlier mortality. Early menopause affects fertility, which is critical in women who continue to delay childbearing.
Is it safe to double up on vitamins?
Ask the Nurse
Can I double up on vitamins to help with thinning hair and brittle nails? I have had my estrogen checked and it is normal. I am 54 years old.
Risk of Cardiac and Stroke Death Increases After Discontinuing Hormone Therapy
Highest risk occurs in first year after discontinuation, especially in women aged younger than 60 years.Hormone therapy (HT) continues to be a hotly debated topic. The benefits of estrogen to the heart, however, appear to be universally accepted. A new study demonstrates that the risk of cardiac and stroke death actually increases in the first year after discontinuation of HT. Study results are published online today in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society…
Intimate Partner Violence: A Public Health Concern
Health Information
Intimate Partner Violence Intimate partner violence (IPV), previously termed domestic violence, is a serious and overwhelming global public health concern. It has affected the lives of many victims and their loved ones, leading to detrimental health consequences, including: emotional psychological physical behavioral societal economic IPV is prevalent in all backgrounds: cultural, socioeconomic, and religious entities. It is one of the most common forms of violence against women in the US…

Easy Cranberry Yam Bread
Recipe Box
Exceptionally quick and fantastic bread begins with biscuit baking mix. Cream cheese gives the bread a rich flavor, naturally sweet yams a natural sweetness, and cranberries a burst of tartness perfect for holiday festive bread. Great for breakfast, snack or to take to someone.
This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trimandTERRIFIC® Eating Well Through Cancer cookbook.

What is a Woman to do about BV? New one-day Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's Column on a new single day treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis (BV).