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Influenza Type A and B

Ask the Nurse

Can you catch Type A flu and Type B flu at the same time? I am 72 and exposed to both.

How Heart Disease is Different for Women

How Heart Disease is Different for Women


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on the three things all women need to know about preventing and/or surviving heart disease.

Association of Spontaneous Preterm Delivery and Future Maternal Cardiovascular Disease


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors are well established. However, little is known about a woman’s cardiovascular response to pregnancy, which appears to be an early marker of future maternal CVD risk. Spontaneous preterm delivery (sPTD) has been associated with a ≤3-fold increased risk of maternal CVD death later in life compared with having a term delivery. This review focuses on 3 key areas to critically assess the association of sPTD and future maternal CVD risk: (1) CVD risk factors,…

Food for Thought: Good Nutrition During Menopause

Food for Thought: Good Nutrition During Menopause


Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's column on nutrition and menopause.

12 Simple Tips for Eating Healthy During Menopause

Health Information

12 Tips for Healthy Eating during Menopause Cut vegetables ahead of time for salads, sides and snacks. Prepare meals you can reinvent the next night. Store healthy frozen dinners in your freezer for lunches or dinners. Pack meal supplements such as nutrition bars for lunches on the run. Buy portion-controlled snacks. Eat protein as your first portion of the meal before any simple carbohydrates. Eat slowly-put the fork or spoon down between bites. Use smaller plates and take the…

Colonoscopy and Hemorrhoidectomy

Ask the Nurse

Will having a colonoscopy disturb or make worse where I had a hemorrhoidectomy 4 years ago?

Is Nausea A Menopausal Symptom

Ask the Nurse

For the past few months, I’ve been experiencing what feels like random morning sickness. For no apparent reason, the thought or smell of certain foods will nauseate me and trigger an anxiety attack.

It’s worse soon after I wake up, but it can happen at any time of the day. I’m 45, not pregnant and having irregular periods. Could these "food aversions" be caused by perimenopause? How can I make it stop?

Novel Oral Tx Dramatically Reduces Menopausal Flushing


A new class of drugs for menopausal hot flushes works within three days (75% reduction) and does not increase estrogen levels. Bringing hope to women - especially those who can’t take hormone therapy.A neurokinin 3 receptor (NK3R) antagonist was effective at improving vasomotor symptoms without the need for estrogen exposure, both in the short and long-term, researchers reported. The oral NK3R antagonist MLE4901 was able to reduce the frequency of hot flashes by 72% by day 3 of treatment…

Overactive Bladder and Water Soluble Pumpkin Seed Extract

Ask the Nurse

What is your take on water soluble pumpkin seed extract for over active bladder symptoms? I’ve been reading about it and it appears that studies show there can be much improvement. I also have a few more questions:

  1. How many mg should one take per day for best results? A nutritionist recommended 2x the mg on the bottle dosage, approximately 1200 mg per day.
  2. How long does it take before one sees improvement? And if one does not see a marked improvement after say a month, is it best to abandon the supplement or go for say 6 months?
  3. Is it better to take soy isoflavones with the extract?

When To See A Primary Care Physician in Women’s Health vs A Women’s Health Specialist

When To See A Primary Care Physician in Women’s Health vs A Women’s Health Specialist


Read Dr. Laura Lipold’s and Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on primary care for women versus specialty care for women. Dr Lipold is a guest columnist and the Director for Primary Care Women’s Health at Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Thacker is Professor and Director, of the Center of Specialized Women’s Health and the Executive Director of Speaking of Women’s Health.

Treatment for a Thickened Endometrium

Ask the Nurse

I am 61 and went through menopause at age 50-51. On a routine check-up, I had a vaginal ultrasound which indicated a thickened endometrium - the doctor said about 7mm.

The endometrium biopsy is "benign endometrial hyperplasia". The pap smear was negative and I have no symptoms, I am not overweight, and I have never been on any estrogen or any type of hormone therapy.

I’ve had 5 normal vaginal births and 1 miscarriage (at 3 weeks) due to the flu. My doctor wants to do a D&C next, but I do not understand why I cannot try treatment with progestin first. He became agitated when I brought up that option. This is a new doctor to me; I had to switch due to insurance, and I am not confident with him.

Common Foot Problems in Women

Common Foot Problems in Women


Read this important foot column written by guest columnists Dr. Anna Camille Moreno and Podiatrist Dr. Georgeanne Botek.

Whether you are a fashionista, a marathon runner or a busy mom or grandmom, this column is for you and your aching feet!

Targeting Healthcare for Women Patients


Hospitals and medical institutions across the country are offering more programs specifically designed with the needs of women patients in mind. While many health conditions pose the same risks to men and women, there are often gender-specific differences in how certain diseases develop, in the presentation of signs and symptoms, and how a patient responds to treatment. Speaking of Women's Health Executive Director Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses how women’s health needs are affected by…

How To Exercise Safely With Bone Loss

How To Exercise Safely With Bone Loss


Women who have bone loss can improve their bone health, strengthen their muscles and reduce their risk of fractures by staying active and exercising. Dr. Anna Camille Moreno shares exercise tips for women with bone loss.

Clinical Challenges: Osteoporosis Prevention in Menopause


Menopause can have a substantial impact on a woman's bone density and risk for osteoporosis, but there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for dealing with the issue. Dr. Holly L. Thacker and other women health experts weigh in on when, how to prevent osteoporosis in midlife women.

3 Must Do Core Exercises


A personal trainer demonstrates three abdominal exercises to help strengthen your core.

Speaking of Women's Health Named Best Women's Health Blog of 2018


PlushCare selected the Speaking of Women's Health column as one of the top 10 women's health blogs in 2018.

Treating Atrophy With Estrogen

Ask the Nurse

I’m interested in Mona Lisa on laser rejuvenation procedures. Also, as a practitioner, I’m curious about recent research on testosterone pellets for post-menopausal women.

Blackened Chicken with Avocado Cream Sauce

Blackened Chicken with Avocado Cream Sauce

Recipe Box

Quick cooking spicy-seasoned chicken with cool avocado sauce makes an unbeatable combination. This recipe is from Holly Clegg’s trim&TERRIFIC® Guy’s Guide To Eating Well.

Getting Enough Calcium in your Diet when Lactose Intolerant

Ask the Nurse

I am age 62 and had triple negative breast cancer 11 years ago. I was treated aggressively, which put me into menopause instantly. I enjoyed eating yogurt and calcium rich foods until this past year when I developed a serious case of intolerance to dairy products - lactose intolerance.

I cannot seem to tolerate even lactose-free dairy. I know that I have osteopenia. What does a person like me do to get adequate calcium daily? I also am recovering from a total hip replacement that has slowed down my exercising for the past year. The only exercise that I can do is walk. How I can get enough calcium in my diet since I cannot tolerate any real dairy products?