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Improving Your Health with Fiber

Improving Your Health with Fiber

Health Information

This guide provides basic information to help you start increasing dietary fiber in your diet. These are general guidelines that may be tailored to meet your needs. Fiber is an important dietary substance to help support your health. Making changes in your current eating habits will help you eat more healthfully. Most fiber-containing foods are also good sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which offer many health benefits. A registered dietitian can provide in-depth nutrition…

What’s Your Eating Style?

What’s Your Eating Style?

Health Information

Take this quiz to find out! Your breakfast usually consists of: I don’t usually eat breakfast Fruit and yogurt on a good day; a doughnut when I’m feeling down A bagel with cream cheese and juice Something pre-packaged or from the drive-through A bran muffin or a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter You tend to snack: Never. It’s how I cut calories When I’m upset or stressed Whenever I feel hungry When I have time to hit the vending machine between…

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Health Information

What is post-traumatic stress disorder? Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that a person can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event or life-threatening situation. A traumatic event can be any situation that causes stress, horror, helplessness, serious injury, or the threat of serious injury or death. What are the symptoms of PTSD? People who have PTSD may have the following symptoms: Flashbacks (vivid feelings that the traumatic event is…

7 Tips for Sustaining Energy Throughout the Day

7 Tips for Sustaining Energy Throughout the Day

Health Information

7 Helpful Tips for Sustaining Energy Throughout the Day When our bodies crave a “pick-me-up,” we typically choose sugar or caffeine. True, they boost our energy levels, fast. But they don’t have staying power. Our bodies break all foods down into simple sugars for energy, whether they are highly refined carbs, complex carbs, proteins or fats. Highly processed foods, such as white bread, candy and desserts, are absorbed and digested so quickly that they spike our blood sugar levels, which then…

Alzheimer’s Disease: Tips for the Newly Diagnosed

Health Information

A person in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease will notice many changes. It’s getting to be more difficult to remember things, make decisions, and find your way around. It’s frustrating a good deal of the time, but there are good days and bad days. Here are some things you can do to make things just a little better and to make things feel a bit more "normal" again. How can I cope with my memory problems? Always keep a notebook with you to record important information, phone numbers,…

Pap Test and Menopause

Health Information

A Pap smear is a test used to look for changes in the cells of the cervix that show cervical cancer or conditions that may develop into cancer. All women who are or have been sexually active and have reached the age of 21, should have an annual Pap smear. It is the best tool to detect pre-cancerous conditions and screen for HPV that may lead to invasive cervical cancer. The timely detection of pre-invasive cancerous lesions via a pap smear promises a cure to cervical cancer. Do I still need a…

Detection and Prevention of Breast Cancer During Menopause

Detection and Prevention of Breast Cancer During Menopause

Health Information

Menopause itself is not associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. However, the rates of many cancers, including breast cancer, do increase with age. In addition, some of the drugs used to manage menopausal symptoms may increase or decrease a person’s cancer risk. 11 Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Certain factors increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Some factors can be changed (such as lifestyle choices), but others cannot be changed. Having many risk factors does not…

The Benefits of Rooming-In After Labor

The Benefits of Rooming-In After Labor

Health Information

Caring for Newborns Having a baby is exciting, but exhausting work. That’s why it’s called “labor.” After the birth of a new baby, our family-centered staff in the Cleveland Clinic Birthing Hospitals want to help moms learn how to rest and care for their newborns in the most comfortable and effective way. “As part of our world class care for new moms and babies, our staff encourages the evidence-based practice of ‘rooming-in’,” says Rebecca Starck, MD, chair of the Department of Regional…

Stocking a Heart-Healthy Kitchen

Stocking a Heart-Healthy Kitchen

Health Information

Heart-Healthy Kitchen Essentials Guide If you want to eat a heart-healthy diet but are not sure what staples you should keep in your home, check out this heart-healthy kitchen essentials guide. With the help of this guide, you can start stocking up on nutritious foods to help you reduce your risk of heart disease. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fresh seasonal…

De-Stressing the Holiday Season

Health Information

Handling Stress During the Holidays The holiday season can be full of excitement, parties, shopping, religious observances and family gatherings. But inevitably, with this time of year comes stress. People feel that there is not enough time to fit in everything. We often have higher expectations for this time of year. And that places even more pressure on us and increases the likelihood we may end up disappointed. Signs of stress may include: Feeling impatient Worried Cranky You…

Certified Nurse Practitioners and the Office Visit

Certified Nurse Practitioners and the Office Visit

Health Information

Certified Nurse Practitioners (CNPs) Certified Nurse Practitioners (CNPs) are advanced practice nurses who provide quality care to many patients. They have a master’s degree in nursing and a board certification in their specialty. They provide initial, ongoing, and comprehensive care, including: Taking medical histories Providing physical examinations Other health assessment and screening activities CNPs are prepared to diagnose and treat patients with many types of symptoms as well…

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders

Health Information

Overview of Sleep Disorders Sleep disorders are on the rise. It is estimated that nearly 75 percent of adult Americans experience sleep disorder symptoms at least a few nights per week. At the same time, sleep disturbances in some form are seen in as many as 25 to 30 percent of infants and children. Millions of people of all ages suffer from a variety of sleep disorders including: Sleep apnea Restless legs syndrome Insomnia. These disorders frequently are misdiagnosed and untreated.…

Ask a Sleep Specialist

Health Information

Sleeping Pills If you feel you are suffering from insomnia, should you seek help and get a sleeping pill prescribed? I am afraid of becoming dependent on the medication. Millions of Americans are asking the same question. While sleeping pills can help a person fall asleep more quickly, most patients with chronic insomnia would better be served by learning healthy strategies for getting a restful sleep. It is true that some of the newer medications advertised on TV are not addictive as was the…

Exercise: How Much is Enough?

Exercise: How Much is Enough?

Health Information

Benefits of Regular Exercise The benefits of regular exercise to reduce the future risk of heart problems are well documented and apply to both those with documented heart disease and those without documented disease. However, for some it can leave them at risk for future heart problems: For patients with heart disease who engage in regular, aerobic exercise there is approximately a 25 percent reduction in mortality over a 1–3 year time period. For individuals who are regularly active and…

Probiotics: What’s All the Buzz About?

Health Information

What are Probiotics? Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are called "the good" microorganisms because they benefit the body, specifically the digestive system. Probiotics, available in some foods and dietary supplements, are similar to probiotics that exist naturally in your gut. What do probiotics do and how are they helpful? The body does not need the addition of food and supplements that contain probiotics to be healthy. However, food and supplements that contain probiotics…

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Health Information

What is Urinary Incontinence? Millions of women experience involuntary loss of urine called urinary incontinence (UI). Some women may lose a few drops of urine while running or coughing. Others may feel a strong, sudden urge to urinate just before losing a large amount of urine. Many women experience both symptoms. UI can be slightly bothersome or totally debilitating. For some women, the risk of public embarrassment keeps them from enjoying many activities with their family and friends. Urine…

Using Exercise As A Tool For Success

Health Information

Exercise advertisements often target simplified exercise routines and spot reduction. Some exercise advertisements sell the belief that one machine will work your entire body and give you the results you need. Some machines are good for cardiovascular conditioning; however, they may not be good for other reasons, such as: Joint Balance limitations To establish a proper exercise routine, you need to follow a few basic guidelines. Find out what the recommended exercise guidelines are for…

Top 10 Reasons Boomers Should Exercise!

Top 10 Reasons Boomers Should Exercise!

Health Information

From the American Council on Exercise It’s becoming increasingly clear to the medical community that it’s just as important for older adults to stay active as it is for their younger counterparts. Exercise helps maintain mobility and stamina, reduces the incidence of disease, and leads to an overall better quality of life. ACE, America’s Authority on Fitness, shares the following reasons why older adults need to get plenty of safe and appropriate exercise. 1. To increase bone density and…

Exercise for Your Health

Health Information

Regular exercise is good for your health A moderate amount of activity performed three to five days per week can: Improve your heart health Improve your heart disease risk factors Improve your strength and feeling of well-being Improve your heart health: Reduce the risk of dying from heart disease Help your heart and cardiovascular system work more efficiently Decrease symptoms of angina (chest discomfort) and heart failure Improve your heart disease risk…

Bone Density

Health Information

Bone mineral density testing, also known as bone densitometry, quickly and accurately measures the amount of calcium in certain parts of your bones. From this information, your doctor can determine how strong your bones are and what your risk of fracture is. The test is used to detect osteoporosis, a disease in which the bone's mineral content and density are low, increasing a person's risk of fracture. There is a direct relationship between the lack of estrogen after menopause and the…