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Exercise Guidelines for Seniors
Health Information
Why exercise? Exercising is the single most important thing that you can do to keep yourself healthy and to delay the aging process. Keeping physically fit may add up to two to three years to an individual’s life span. The benefits of exercise go far beyond improving cardiovascular fitness and pulmonary function. Exercise helps to: Control blood pressure Protect against diabetes Ward off depression, anxiety, and insomnia Enhance balance and strength (minimizing accidental…
Keeping Your Love Life Alive – Female Sexual Dysfunction
Health Information
Online Health Chat with Dr. Margery Gass July 23, 2010 Introduction Cleveland_Clinic_Host: Female sexual dysfunction is more common than you might think. Several population-based surveys show that approximately 43 percent of American women have some form of sexual dysfunction, from low desire to painful intercourse. In postmenopausal women, several factors can contribute to a less-than-fulfilling sex life. Declining estrogen levels associated with menopause can lead to decreased arousal.…
Treating Wrinkles
Health Information
What Causes Wrinkles? There are many factors that contribute to the onset of wrinkles. Over time, skin begins to wrinkle and things in the environment, like ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun, make the skin even less elastic. Gravity can cause skin to sag and wrinkle. The following four factors are the most significant that contribute to aging skin. 1. Aging Wrinkles are a by-product of the aging process. With age, skin cells divide more slowly, and the inner layer, called the dermis,…
Mind-Body Exercises
Health Information
Harnessing the power of the mind-body connection The mind-body connection means that you can learn to use your thoughts to positively influence some of your body’s physical responses, thereby decreasing stress. If you recall a time when you were happy, grateful or calm, your body and mind tend to relax. Research has shown that when you imagine an experience, you often have similar mental and physical responses to those you have when the event actually happens. For example, if you recall an…
Environmental Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease
Health Information
Researchers do not know the exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease, but it likely is due to a variety of genetic and environmental factors. The most studied of the environmental factors are aluminum, zinc, food-borne poisons, and viruses. Aluminum One of the most publicized and controversial theories concerns aluminum, which became a suspect in Alzheimer’s disease when researchers found traces of this metal in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Many studies since then have either…
How much Calcium Do You Need?
Health Information
Calcium Three important risk factors you can control to prevent osteoporosis are: DietLifestyleReplacing lost estrogen through hormone therapy can provide a strong defense against osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. To maintain strong, healthy bones, a diet rich in calcium is needed throughout your life. Your need for calcium becomes even greater as you age. The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (USRDA) for calcium is 1,000 milligrams per day. Postmenopausal women who are not taking…
Common Questions about Salt
Health Information
Question: What is the difference between table salt, sea salt, and kosher salt? Is one type of salt better than the others for my heart and blood pressure? Answer: The differences among salts are related to how they are processed, resulting in different tastes and textures. But, regardless of the type of salt, it contains 40% sodium. Any differences in sodium content are because of the volume and shape of the crystals. Kosher and sea salt have larger crystals, which means they take up more…
What You Need to Know About Ibuprofen
Health Information
(Also Called ’Advil’, ’Motrin’, ’Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs’, ’NSAID’) Common brand names: Advil, Nuprin, Motrin Why is this drug prescribed? Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to reduce pain, fever, and inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s protective response to irritation or injury and is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain. How and when should it be used? Ibuprofen is available in capsules, suspension, and tablets. Your…

Reducing Fat Intake
Health Information
Why is it important to reduce fat intake? Eating a high fat diet may contribute to heart disease. Eating too much fat also contributes to excess body weight, since a gram of fat has about twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and proteins. Being overweight may increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (diseases of the heart and blood vessels) and certain forms of cancer. Whether you are trying to lose weight, lower blood cholesterol…
Ask the Expert: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) for Arthritis
Health Information
What are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)? NSAIDs are drugs that can reduce pain, fever, and inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s protective response to irritation or injury and is recognized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain. NSAIDs can be used to treat the symptoms of many types of arthritis and soft tissue inflammation such as tendonitis, bursitis, and sprains. It can also be used for gout attacks. It is important to remember that NSAIDs treat the symptoms and do not…
Bicycle Helmet Safety Tips
Health Information
All bike riders should wear bicycle helmets. Each year in the United States, about 800 bicyclists are killed and another 500,000 end up in hospital emergency rooms. About two-thirds of the deaths and one-third of the injuries involve the head and face. Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury to bicyclists by as much as 85 percent. What safety information should I look for when purchasing a helmet? Look for the Consumer Product Safety Committee (CPSC) sticker inside the helmet.…
Food and Water Considerations While Traveling
Health Information
Contaminated food and water is the leading source of illness and diarrhea that occurs during travel. Fortunately, there are some choices you can make to reduce your chance of becoming ill. So before venturing out on day trips away from your cruise ship, here are some suggestions. Food selection Before disembarking on your day trip, ask the ship’s concierge or tour director for recommendation for well-established, reliable dining locations. International hotels and better restaurants that…
What If They See Something On My Mammogram?
Health Information
"They Think They see Something on my Mammogram." The fear this sentence evokes is real, but can be quieted by facts. Most abnormalities on a mammogram are NOT breast cancer. Women should get annual mammograms starting at age 45 and personalized. Some women can wait until age 50 to begin screening mammograms and have them done every 2 years. High risk women need more intensive screening. On a screening mammogram, questionable abnormalities sometimes require additional evaluation. With further…
How to Read the Food Label to Lower Fat in Your Diet
Health Information
Here are a few quick tips to follow when trying to watch your total fat intake as well as the cholesterol-raising fats. Depending on your cholesterol level, most healthy individuals should limit total fat intake to around 25-35% of total energy (total calories eaten) each day. While it is important to watch each individual food’s fat content, remember that this 25-35% fat range is your overall dietary goal; you’ll always encounter foods that are under or over this percentage. Your goal is to…
Treatment of Varicose Veins and Spider Veins
Health Information
What is the difference between varicose veins and spider veins? Varicose veins commonly develop as we grow older, but can be treated with exercise, support hose, or surgery. Varicose veins are large, raised, swollen blood vessels. They usually develop in the legs. Spider veins are smaller, red to purple and blue dilated vessels. Spider veins are easily visible and are found just under the skin. They are also most often seen on the legs and thighs. What causes varicose veins and spider…
Prescription Medications for Skincare
Health Information
Improving Skin with MedicationThere are many prescription products available to help improve the look of your skin. Many of the prescription products contain the same ingredients as those available over-the-counter, but are in higher dosage strengths. Examples of such products include:Products to slow the growth of, remove or lighten unwanted facial hairProducts to grow hair in scalp areas lacking hairExfoliant products including certain alpha-hydroxy acid productsIf you’ve already tried…
What is a Drug Allergy?
Health Information
A drug allergy is an allergic reaction to a medication. When the drug enters the body, it triggers a response by the immune system, which creates specific IgE antibodies (proteins made by the immune system to fight specific antigens).The body becomes sensitized, and when the drug is taken again, the IgE antibodies go into action, releasing large amounts of histamine that attempt to expel the drug from the body. What are the symptoms of a drug allergy? Symptoms can range from mild discomfort…
Cancer and Nutrition
Health Information
Can Certain Foods Help Prevent Cancer? Blueberries won’t save us from cancer. Neither will tomatoes, flaxseed oil, kale or brussels sprouts. The above, as well as garlic, onions, green tea and many others, have all been proclaimed cancer-preventing “super foods.” While they are all good, nutritious foods and should be part of a balanced diet, we need to abandon the notion that any one food or combination of foods can prevent cancer. While it’s tempting to think that just adding blueberries…
Menopause and Nutrition
Health Information
Benefits of Proper Nutrition During Menopause Looking for a “menopause diet,” a magical mix of foods and supplements that will allow you to sail through your change of life without so much as a hot flash or an extra pound? Sorry, the cure-all diet doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t mean what you eat during mid-life is unimportant. Actually, your diet matters more now than it did when you were younger. Your metabolism is slowing and your muscle mass is decreasing. Your body is producing less…
Making Sense of Portion Sizes
Health Information
What is a Portion Size? Finding it hard to determine what a serving or portion size is? Below are some ways you can picture a serving or portion size using everyday objects. Note: hand and finger sizes vary from person to person! These are GUIDES only. The bread, cereal, rice and pasta group 1 cup of potatoes, rice, pasta = is a tennis ball, ice cream scoop 1 pancake = is a compact disc (CD) 1/2 cup cooked rice = is a cupcake wrapper full 1 piece of cornbread = is a bar of soap 1…