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Chocolate: The Sweet and Healthy Truth

Chocolate: The Sweet and Healthy Truth

Health Information

Are all types of chocolate healthy? Before you grab a chocolate candy bar or slice of chocolate cake, it’s important to understand that not all forms of chocolate contain high levels of flavanols. Cocoa naturally has a very strong, pungent taste, which comes from the flavanols. When cocoa is processed into your favorite chocolate products, it goes through several steps to reduce this taste. The more chocolate is processed (through things like fermentation, alkalizing, roasting, etc.), the…

How to do a Breast Self Exam

How to do a Breast Self Exam

Health Information

A monthly self breast exam should be performed by all women starting at about the age of 20. A breast exam increases the chances of early detection and survival of breast cancer. Monthly Breast Self Exam 1. The first part of the breast exam is inspection, or looking at your breasts. Stand undressed from the waist up in front of a large mirror in a well lighted room. Look at your breasts. Don’t be alarmed if they do not look equal. Most women’s breasts are not. With your arms relaxed by your…

Cholesterol Guide: Eating Out

Cholesterol Guide: Eating Out

Health Information

Many restaurants offer delicious low-fat, low-cholesterol meals. These tips will help you make eating out enjoyable as well as healthy. Before you order: If you are familiar with the menu, decide what to order before entering the restaurant. This tactic will help you avoid any temping foods that might not be so healthy. If you are trying a new restaurant, take time to study the menu in order to avoid making unhealthy decisions. If possible, log on to the restaurant’s website before you…

Tips for Eating Heart Smart

Tips for Eating Heart Smart

Health Information

With more than 30,000 items filling the shelves of the average grocery store, it is no wonder that you may feel confused when trying to select heart-healthy choices for you and your family. 3 Tips for Shopping for Healthy Food 1. Eat your veggies It always comes back to the green stuff. But it’s for good reason: The nutrients in vegetables (whether the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and/or polyphenols) all seem to be disease-fighters in a variety of ways. When it comes to your heart,…

What is Stress?

What is Stress?

Health Information

Stress is defined as "any stimulus, such as fear or pain, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism." Put simply, stress is our response to daily life. The right amount of stress can be a positive force. It helps us do our best work and keeps us alert, energetic, focused, and engaged in the world around us. However, too much stress can leave us anxious, depressed, and uncomfortable. Everyday life continually presents us with stressful situations.…

The Best Way To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

The Best Way To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Health Information

A positive attitude is very important for successful weight loss and weight management. To lose weight permanently, you must make a commitment to gradually adopt a healthier way of life. You can control your weight. To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories or burn up more calories than you need. The best way to lose weight is to do both. Following a very low calorie diet can leave you feeling deprived and can increase the temptation to binge. Often, very low calorie diets make you lose…

What’s in a Serving?

What’s in a Serving?

Health Information

Determining A Proper Serving Size In a portion-distorted world, here are some tips on how you can determine a proper serving size Most of us would like to think that we have a good handle on portion control. But in our country – where “super-size it” seems to be our cultural motto, obesity is running rampant, and diabetes rates continue to rise – most of us could stand to learn a few things about portion control. While it may seem disheartening at first to learn that a serving of porterhouse…

Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines

Health Information

Cytologic screening (Papanicolaou or Pap smears) represents one of the most successful screening efforts of modern medicine. The morbidity and mortality secondary to cervical cancer has substantially decreased in adequately screened populations. Patients, however, need to understand that Pap smears are intended to be a screening, not a diagnostic, test. For any screening test there is an inherent false negative rate, which is approximately 10 to 20 percent for Pap smears. Despite the false…

Well-balanced Exercise

Well-balanced Exercise

Health Information

Exercise is an important part of improving and maintaining normal, comfortable back function. It is important to exercise regularly so that you can maintain your fitness level. What are the different types of exercise? Exercise can be divided into three basic groups: Strengthening— using repeated muscle contractions until the muscle becomes tired Stretching or flexibility— slow, sustained lengthening of the muscle Aerobic— steady exercise using large muscle…

Sample Food Diary

Sample Food Diary

Health Information

Download a blank food diary page Meal or Snack Foods and Beverages Consumed Amount Preparation Method Fat Used * Today’s Good Points: * What I Can Improve: Breakfast (7:00 am) Oatmeal ½ cup cooked Microwave None Skim milk 8 ounces Slivered almonds 2 Tbsp Apple 1 medium …

Nutrition Strategies to Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Nutrition Strategies to Reduce Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Health Information

Reduce Your Risk Factors Following these nutritional strategies can help you reduce or even eliminate some risk factors, such as reducing total and LDL-cholesterol; lowering blood pressure, blood sugars and triglycerides; and reducing body weight. While most dietary plans tell you what you can’t eat (usually your favorite foods!), the most powerful nutrition strategies help you focus on what you can and should eat. In fact, research has shown that adding certain foods to your diet is just as…

Successfully Manage Your Weight

Successfully Manage Your Weight

Health Information

8 Tips to Successfully Manage Your Weight 1. Cut down on portions Portion your meals in a calorie-conscious manner. One quarter of your plate should comprise a palm-size portion of lean protein, such as salmon or chicken breast; another quarter should comprise a fist-size portion of unrefined grain, such as brown rice; and one-half of your plate should be filled with a variety of colorful vegetables. If you are still hungry after eating your meal, try waiting about 20 minutes to allow your…

9 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure

9 Ways to Control High Blood Pressure

Health Information

At least 65 million Americans have high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the workload of the heart and kidneys, increasing the risk of heart attack, heart failure, stroke and kidney disease. High blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for stroke. It is up to you to take control! By making lifestyle changes, taking medications and working with your health care team, you can control your high blood pressure to help prevent future problems. Important note: These are general…

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Heart Health

Health Information

A better heart may be as easy as a walk in the park. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But that is precisely what the American Heart Association wants to get across with its "Simple 7" guidelines for good cardiovascular health."Simple 7" Guidelines for Good Cardiovascular Health Get activeControl cholesterolEat betterManage blood pressureLose weightReduce blood sugarStop smoking 1. Get active Aerobic exercise is a crucial factor in managing your cardiovascular risk. It aids in lowering blood…

Cardiac Risk Factor Checklist

Cardiac Risk Factor Checklist

Health Information

Cardiac Risk Factors Cardiac risk factors are certain conditions that increase a person’s risk for cardiovascular disease. It is important to know: Some risk factors, called " nonmodifiable risk factors," cannot be changed. Some cardiac risk factors, called " modifiable risk factors," can be modified, controlled or treated. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Higher levels of each cardiac risk factor correlate with a higher…

Treatment Options for Hair Loss

Treatment Options for Hair Loss

Health Information

The most common cause of hair loss in both men and women is genetic. In fact, heredity accounts for 95 percent of all the cases of alopecia (baldness) in this country. The remaining five percent of the cases can be due to a number of things including diet, stress, illness, and/or medications. Specific factors that can cause hair loss: Medications, vitamins, or minerals: medications used to treat high blood pressure, heart problems, depression or gout; chemotherapy or radiation treatment…

Snacks Under 200 Calories

Snacks Under 200 Calories

Health Information

Enjoy these snacks under 200 calories between meals. Snacking is encouraged and will help you avoid excessive hunger and overeating at meal times. Please keep in mind that these snacks should be included in your daily caloric allotment. Therefore, make sure you account for snacks by adjusting mealtime calories, if necessary. Dairy or Dairy Alternative 8 oz nonfat fruited* or plain yogurt* 8 oz nonfat yogurt* with ½ cup mixed berries 8 oz nonfat yogurt* with 1 Tbsp slivered almonds,…

Colonoscopy Procedure

Colonoscopy Procedure

Health Information

What is a colonoscopy? A colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure in which the inside of the large intestine (colon and rectum) is examined. A colonoscopy is commonly used to evaluate gastrointestinal symptoms, such as rectal and intestinal bleeding, abdominal pain, or changes in bowel habits. Colonoscopies are also performed in individuals without symptoms to check for colorectal polyps or cancer. A screening colonoscopy is recommended for anyone 45 years of age and older, and for anyone with…

What Causes Facial Aging?

What Causes Facial Aging?

Health Information

What is facial aging and what causes it? Facial aging refers to how the appearance of your face changes with age. Facial aging occurs mainly as the result of skin changes and changes in the deeper soft tissues of the face. Factors that influence external skin changes include natural aging, skin type, sun exposure, facial movement, and routine skin care. Facial fat deeper within the face thins with normal aging and, as gravity pulls on the face, the underlying soft tissues droop. These two…

Camouflage Cosmetics

Camouflage Cosmetics

Health Information

Your cosmetic surgery is over. You’ve been healing for a week or so and by now, you might even have your stitches out. Now it’s time to get back to normal. But what about your appearance? Although the cosmetic surgery or procedure will improve your look in the long term, you still have to get past the initial trauma to your body – things like incision scars, bruising, discoloration, or swelling. It takes time, but that doesn’t mean you have to hide in your house while it all goes away. It could…