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Lower Your Cholesterol To Help Prevent Heart Disease

Health Information

Lowering Your Cholesterol can Help Prevent Heart Disease Preventing heart disease is like dancing the limbo: You’ve got to find out “how low you can go.” Study after study has shown that when you lower your cholesterol, you lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, America’s leading killer. Lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) is relatively simple. Drugs called statins really work. People who can’t tolerate statins have options, too, such as: Alternative medications Lifestyle…

Salt Substitutes: Are they Safe?

Health Information

Q. I have high blood pressure, and my doctor has restricted me to a low-sodium diet of less than 1,500 mg a day. Are salt substitutes a good alternative? A. While the spice aisle in your grocery store abounds with salt substitutes, they are not a healthy option for everyone. Many contain potassium chloride in place of sodium chloride, and potassium consumed in excess may be harmful for some people. For example, many people with kidney problems are unable to rid their bodies of excessive…

Types of Food to Help You Fight Fatigue

Health Information

Choosing the right foods to eat and snack on can help you maintain your energy throughout the day. Food is fuel for the day, so make sure your diet is full of healthy food and avoid foods that can bring your energy level down. Try These 2 Types of Food to Help You Fight Fatigue 1. Foods high in generally unrefined carbohydrates When carbs have not been refined, that means that dietary fiber is intact. Examples of these energy-sustaining foods include: Oatmeal Oat…

Breastfeeding for a Lifetime of Good Health

Health Information

Breastfeeding is the natural way to feed your baby. It's also good for your baby's health and for your health, too. Cleveland Clinic supports and encourages breastfeeding, but the decision to breastfeed is up to you. The information below explains the benefits of breastfeeding so you can decide how you wish to feed your baby. Breast milk: The best food for your baby Here are some important facts about the benefits of breast milk: Breast milk provides all the food and fluid your baby needs…

How to Eat Sensibly and Achieve a Healthy Weight

Health Information

A Healthier "Weigh" of Life A positive attitude is important for successful weight management. Whether you need to lose, gain, or maintain your weight, you need to make a commitment to gradually adopt a healthier "weigh" of life. You can look at nutrition as a health investment for a long and healthy lifestyle. Whether you are 20, 40, or 55, start now to invest in your own good health. The sooner you start, the healthier you might be in the long run. You can lose weight. The best way to lose…

Breast Self-Exams Aid in Breast Tissue Self-Awareness

Health Information

Be Proactive About Your Health Women are notorious for putting everyone else’s healthcare needs ahead of their own. At Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Specialized Women’s Health, we encourage every woman to be proactive about her health. Being proactive allows you to enjoy a longer, more active life — and more time with those you love. Breast cancer is one of the diseases women should be most vigilant about: It is the most common female cancer in the United States, affecting one in eight…

New Treatments Can Help You Avoid Hysterectomy

Health Information

Preparing for a Hysterectomy? Think twice. You might not need it! One out of three women has a hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus) by age 60. But only 10 percent of hysterectomies are to prevent or treat cancer. The rest are for conditions that today may be treatable with less invasive options. Hysterectomy use to be the only option for women suffering with excessive bleeding, endometriosis, benign tumors and other uterine conditions. But that’s no longer the case. Less Invasive…

Midlife Women: 7 Steps to Your Healthiest Heart

Health Information

Risk of Heart Disease Increases as you Age Heart disease, the No. 1 killer of American women, isn’t “one size fits all.” Symptoms can differ from one woman to the next — heart palpitations and dizziness in one, shortness of breath and fatigue in another, swollen legs and ankles in someone else. But one thing is true for every woman: “Risk of heart disease increases as you age. And it skyrockets after menopause, when your ovaries stop making the heart-friendly hormone estrogen,” says Andrea…

Pump Up Your Bones: Staying Strong to Prevent Osteoporosis

Health Information

Those dinosaur skeletons at the museum may have given you the wrong impression. Bones inside your body are more than just scaffolding. They’re not hollow. And they’re certainly not lifeless. Your bones are alive! They are living tissues that are constantly changing. On the outside, they have a “shell” of dense bone. But on the inside, they’re like a sponge. In addition to supporting your body and protecting vital organs, bones store calcium and other minerals. When your body needs calcium, it…



Health Information

What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones, making them more susceptible to sudden and unexpected fractures. Literally meaning "porous bone," it results in an increased loss of bone mass and strength. The disease often progresses without any symptoms or pain. Generally, it is not discovered until weakened bones cause painful fractures. Most of these are fractures of the hip, wrist, and spine. Osteoporosis occurs in both men and women, although women are four times more…

What Is Arthritis?

Health Information

What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a general term for a group of more than 100 diseases. The word "arthritis" means "joint inflammation." Arthritis is inflammation in and around the body’s joints. A joint is a point at which two or more bones come together, such as the hip or the knee. Inflammation is one of the body's natural reactions to disease or injury. Pain, stiffness, and swelling can result from inflammation. Some types of arthritis include but are not limited to osteoarthritis,…

Media Coverage Worries Women with Breast Cancer Risk and Hormone Therapy


News outlets have recently published news reports and opinion pieces based on a study about a possible link between hormone therapy and a very rare increased breast cancer death risk. Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses the facts.

Medical Opinions Vary on use of Hormone Therapy for Menopause


Dr. Holly L. Thacker recommends that women see their women's health physician for hormone replacement therapy. She discusses the benefits of physician-prescribed hormone replacement therapy for many women and the dangers of compounding pharmacies without a physician’s care.Menopause may have become synonymous with the idea of medical intervention.It needn't be.But with about 25 million women in the United States turning 50 in the next 10 years, most of the reports we read are about just that.…

Numbers to Live by - Knowing These can Lead to Better Health


Dr. Holly L. Thacker discusses why knowing your BMI, blood sugar level and cholesteral number can lead to better health.Understanding key numbers—BMI, blood-sugar level—can lead to better health.Blood PressureHealthy number: Less than 120/80 mmHg.Blood pressure refers to the force of blood against the walls of your arteries when your heart beats (systolic pressure, the top number) and during rests between beats (diastolic pressure, the bottom) and is measured in millimeters of mercury…

Educating Women Empowers Them to Take Control of Their Health


In her second year of residency, Cleveland Clinic women’s health specialist Lynn Pattimakiel, MD, says her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.The experience was an eye opener. Her mother, a nurse, took care of her patients and her family. But she had failed to give herself the same attention and missed a couple of screenings.Caregivers need care, too“I think it was at that time that I realized how much mothers actually put themselves on the back burner,” she says. Dr. Pattimakeil also…

Dianne Dunkelman, Founder of SWH, Receives Award for Excellence From The University of Cincinnati


Dianne Dunkelman, founder and CEO of the National Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation and founder of the Clever Crazes for Kids health outreach program, will receive the University of Cincinnati Award for Excellence at UC’s Commencement Ceremony at 2 p.m., Saturday, June 9, in Fifth Third Arena. The award recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the purposes and ideals of the university.Dunkelman launched Speaking of Women’s Health (SWH) as a one-day conference in…

‘Dashing Through the Snow?’


Stress and its triggers are different for everyone. What causes tension for one person may be no big deal to someone else. But some experts claim that women are particularly susceptible to stress. No wonder holidays can stress you out!

FDA Panel Votes to Remove Long-Used Osteoporosis Drug Over Cancer Risk


A panel of federal health experts says a long-established bone strengthening drug should no longer be used by women because there is little evidence it works and it may actually increase the risk of cancer.

First Genetic Markers That Predict Postpartum Depression


May 2013 -- Researchers say that a blood test may soon identify which pregnant women are at highest risk of developing postpartum depression, so they can seek treatment that could control their symptoms.

Pioneering Surgeon Dr. Marie F. Paraiso Honors Life Balance


Marie Paraiso, M.D. is an internationally recognized pioneer in gynecologic surgery at Cleveland Clinic. Most recently, Dr. Paraiso has embraced the burgeoning field of robotic surgery, adapting several of her innovative surgical techniques to robotic-assisted laparoscopic approaches.

While Marie Paraiso, M.D. is an internationally recognized pioneer in gynecologic surgery, she says family has always been her top priority.