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Can Anxiety and Loss Of Estrogen Age Women?
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on the latest research regarding anxiety and aging and what women can do to help with anxiety.

Non-Hormonal Treatments For Hot Flashes
Every woman varies in her journey through menopause. 75% of postmenopausal women suffer from Vasomotor Symptoms (VMS), including hot flashes, dry skin and sleep issues. Dr. Lauren Weber discusses the different treatments available to help women control their VMS symptoms.

Are You A Baby Boomer? You Should Know About Hepatitis C!
Senior Women's Health fellow scholar, Dr. Manisha Yadav and Dr. Holly L. Thacker discuss the Centers for Disease Control's new recommendation about Hepatitis C screening.

Is How You Take Your Medications Important?
Dr. Holly L. Thacker and her senior women's health fellow scholar, Dr. Manisha Yadav, describe important highlights on how to take certain medications to get the most benefit.

What Are You Doing On Labor Day?
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s blog about Labor Day, labor, and the last long weekend of summer.

Is Beauty Only Skin Deep?
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s latest blog post on beauty and why our perceptions of beauty affect health and well-being.

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day!
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's blog supporting National Women's Health and Fitness Day. Dr. Thacker has health and fitness tips for women everywhere!

Good News From The Menopause Meeting About Menopausal Hormone Therapy
Dr. Holly L. Thacker reports on highlights from the North American Menopause Society meeting. Good news for menopausal women who need hormone therapy!

The Anti-Hormone Party is Over! Hormone Replacement Therapy Reduces Death and Cardiovascular Disease
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's blog on the results of the 10-year research on the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). This latest study shows the safety of HRT on heart events in recently post-menopausal women.

Should You Eat Fish? Or Just Swallow Some Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules Instead?
Dr. Holly L. Thacker explains and reviews recent research related to Omega-3 fatty acids and their importance to our health.

Migraine Headaches and White Matter Brain Changes in Women
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's blog about new research relating to migraine headaches in women and changes in the white matter of the brain. If you or someone you love has migraines, you will definitely want to read this post.

Are Breast Cancers Being Over-Diagnosed? Do YOU Need a Mammogram?
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's column regarding recently published research spanning three decades that suggests more than one million women have been over-diagnosed with breast cancer by screening mammography.

Treating Severe Nausea and Vomiting During Pregnancy
Read Dr. Devorah Wieder's blog on hyperemesis gravidarum. Dr. Wieder is an OB-GYN physician and a mother of four. She explains what all women need to know about pregnancy and severe symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

Your Unborn Baby and Breastfeeding – What You Need to Know About Environmental Pollutants
Read Dr. Foluke Alli's blog on environmental pollutant levels in young women and why women should be concerned. Dr. Alli is a Board Certified Family Medicine physician who is a women's health fellow/scholar in the Center for Specialized Women's Health at Cleveland Clinic. She is the mother of three children, including a new baby boy whom she breastfed.

Fight Horror: Be Strong, Be Healthy, Be in Charge and….
Have Gratitude! Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's blog about the recent horrific events and the importance of gratitude to our health and well-being.

Is It Healthier To Be Pleasantly Plump? What Is The Best BMI?
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's blog about recent research that suggests lower death rates for people who are defined as overweight (BMI of 25-29.9) compared to normal body weight (BMI 18-24.9) individuals.

Diet Drinks and Depression
Read Dr. Lauren Weber’s blog post about how artificially sweetened drinks are tied to depression risk.

“I Have a Dream!”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s powerful words ring true. One can not be a visionary and leader like the late, great Dr. King or even a regular, functioning person unless you dream first, that is in your sleep! Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker's blog on dreams.

Menopause and Work Ability
Read Dr. Holly L. Thacker’s column on startling research that links untreated menopausal symptoms with reduced work ability.

Does Aspirin Reduce Breast Cancer Risk?
Dr. Holly L. Thacker reviews a recent large study looking at the use of aspirin, acetaminophen and other arthritis type medicines and the link to breast cancer risk.