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A Low Libido Has Multiple Causes - And Cures
Health Information
Experiencing A Decrease in Sexual Desire? Physical intimacy is considered one of the most significant methods for couples to display their mutual love and affection. When one partner’s desire for sexual intimacy is stronger than the other’s, it can negatively affect the couple’s relationship. If you’re feeling apathetic toward snuggling up with your spouse, you’re not as unusual as you may feel. Many women experience occasional decreases in sexual desire at some point in their lives. Although…
Colon Cancer Prevention: Regular Screenings, Healthy Choices
Health Information
March is National Colorectal Cancer Month The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 150,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer this year. According to Global Cancer Statistics, it is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in males and the second in females. It is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men in developed countries and the third most prevalent cause of death from cancer for women. However, when found and treated early, the…
Digestive Disease Resources
Health Information
American Celiac Society — Dietary Support Coalition P.O. Box 23455 New Orleans, LA 70183-0455 Phone: 504.737.3293 The American Celiac Society — Dietary Support Coalition is a support and information organization for patients, families, and health care providers. American Dietetic Association 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60606-6995 Phone: 800.877.1600 email: The American Dietetic…

Healthy Eating for the Digestive System
Health Information
Healthy Foods to Add to Your Diet Our diets can contribute to digestive system difficulties. Many people eat too much processed food and sugar, and not enough fiber, fruits, and vegetables. Poor eating habits, such as eating too quickly or skipping meals, can also be part of the problem. Many digestive problems can be prevented through lifestyle. Be sure to get adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Following are lists of healthy foods that may be incorporated into your diet. Some…

Regain Control Of Your Active Life
Health Information
Urinary Incontinence When you have to go, you have to go. But what if the seatbelt sign is illuminated and you won’t be landing for another half-hour? Or what if your daughter’s solo is coming up in the school concert? Unfortunately, urinary incontinence affects as many as one in three women, at least occasionally. The most frequent cause is childbirth. It may just happen when you jump or cough, or it may be a constant, nagging problem. Some women become isolated and depressed, declining…

Women and Sexual Dysfunction
Health Information
Sexual Dysfunction in Women Several population-based surveys show that approximately 43 percent of American women have some form of sexual dysfunction, from low desire to painful intercourse. With so much sex in the movies and on televisions, you would think that American women would be seeking help for sexual dysfunction. But the reality is that you often don’t see women until their husbands practically push them through the door. In some cases, they haven’t had sex for a year or…
Welcome to the Future: Not Your Mother’s Hysterectomy
Health Information
Treatment for Gynecologic Disorders A visit to the gynecologist can be much more overwhelming for women who seek treatment beyond the annual exam – when gynecologic issues are causing painful or embarrassing problems. But treatment of gynecologic disorders has advanced far beyond abdominal hysterectomies once considered standard care. Rapid improvements in technology, including minimally invasive procedures and greater use of robotics, are reducing pain and improving the outcome for most women…
Vision Correction Surgery
Health Information
How Do Vision Correction Surgeries Work? Vision correction surgery, also called refractive eye surgery, is any surgical procedure used to correct refractive error. In recent years, tremendous advancements have been made in this field. After refractive surgery, many patients report seeing better than they had at any other time in their lives. All vision correction surgeries work by reshaping the front part of the eye, so that light traveling through it is properly focused onto the retina…
Eye Problems and Diabetes
Health Information
3 Major Eye Problems People With Diabetes Need To Know To prevent eye problems, you should: Control your blood glucose. Have your eyes checked at least once a year by an ophthalmologist (eye specialist). Control high blood pressure and lipids. Contact your doctor if any of the following occur: Black spots in your vision Flashes of light "Holes" in your vision Blurred vision 1. Cataracts A cataract is a clouding or fogging of the lens inside the eye. When this happens,…

7 Tips for Healthy Bones
Health Information
As we age, our bones become thinner and lose their density. But there are steps we can take to halt the “thinning” of our bones, called osteopenia, and prevent osteoporosis. Follow these tips from Cleveland Clinic experts: Eat calcium-rich foods. Besides dairy products, choose fish with bones (such as salmon, sardines or whitebait), and serve them with a side of dark leafy green vegetables or broccoli. Fortified tofu and soy milk are other calcium-rich choices, says registered dietitian…

Menopause and Ovarian Cancer
Health Information
Menopause itself is not associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. However, the rates of many cancers, including ovarian cancer, do increase with age. What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in a woman's ovaries. Ovarian cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer death among women. It most often occurs in women in their 50s and beyond. When found in its earliest stages, ovarian cancer can be cured 90 to 95 percent of the time. Unfortunately,…

Attention, Menopausal Women
Health Information
Menopause: The Good and the Bad For some women, menopause is a time of liberation. No longer saddled with fear of getting pregnant, they find their desire increases, and they can be more spontaneous with their partner. But for other women, menopause brings declining desire or uncomfortable intercourse—leaving them, as well as their spouses, sad and confused. But it doesn't have to be that way. The most common causes of sexual dysfunction after menopause are treatable. Understanding the cause…

Take Care When Taking Medication
Health Information
Are you the kind of person who pops a pill with every ache or sniffle; or do you wait until you feel like you’re going to die before you reach for medication? Living at either extreme can be dangerous for your health. When it comes to taking medication, follow your doctor’s orders: prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs should be used as directed, both to achieve their full benefit and lessen their possible side effects. CHECK THE LABEL Before you take any medication, read the label…

Skin Care Tips for All Types of Skin
Health Information
Dry Skin Care Dry skin is defined as flaking or scaling when there is no evidence of dermatitis, or inflammation, of the skin. It is most prominent on the shins, hands, and sides of the abdomen , and can be associated with itching. It is more common during the winter months, when humidity is low, and improves in the summer time. Some people also have a genetic, or hereditary, tendency to develop dry skin. In addition, elderly people tend to have more trouble with dry skin due to the natural…

Protecting Yourself from Sun Damage
Health Information
What are the dangers of sun exposure? The immediate danger of too much sun is sunburn. If you looked at sunburned skin under a strong microscope, you would see that the cells and blood vessels have been damaged. With repeated sun damage, the skin starts to look dry, wrinkled, discolored, and leathery. Although the skin appears to be thicker, it actually has been weakened and, as a result, it will bruise more easily. However, the sun's most serious threat is that it is the major cause of skin…
Screening and Exams are Vital to Aging Gracefully
Health Information
It’s not unusual for women to say that they don’t think they need to see a women’s health specialist after menopause unless they have a problem. But it’s always important to be proactive about your health, which includes keeping up with pelvic exams and screenings throughout life. Risks of dangerous health problems like cardiovascular disease, breast and other cancers, and stroke actually increase with age. Midlife is a time of transition for women in all facets of their lives. It’s a great…

7 Ways Women Can Improve Their Health
Health Information
7 Ways Women Can Improve Their Health Women tend to put themselves on the back burner, but a woman's health should not be ignored. Take control of your health and choose one thing at a time to improve it. 1. Protect Your Bones Osteoporosis can be an elusive disease. Most people won’t have any symptoms until they break a bone. But falling and breaking a bone is not a normal part of the aging process. It’s important to be proactive about protecting bone health before you run into trouble. A…
Top 10 Ways to Age Gracefully (from the inside out)
Health Information
After working in the emergency room for 23 years, the health and fitness field for 25 years, and life coaching for 15 years, I have had plenty of opportunity to work with people who were not aging so gracefully. Today, 60,000 baby boomers turn 60 every day. Wow! We are the largest percentage of the population and continue to live longer. I just want us to continue to live stronger as well. With that in mind, here are my top 10 ways to age gracefully (from the inside out): Move: Nothing new…

Are You Living In Chaos? Take This Quiz And Find Out
Health Information
The definition I like for chaos is a state of extreme confusion and disorder. While nobody would actively choose chaos, it kind of creeps up on us and before we realize, it becomes a way of life. Take this quiz to see if you are living in or headed for a chaotic life? Do you say “I don’t know why I am so tired” more than once a week, day, or hour? Would you be embarrassed to have your boss ride in your car today? Do you tend to underestimate how long things take - by half or more? Do…

The Transformation Of Intention
Health Information
Your intention is your vision for your life. This vision is a force in your heart, full of power and passion that cannot be seen but can be heard and felt from within. Your intention is your ultimate goal, with a direction, an attitude, and an energy you want to cultivate in yourself and in your life. Creating your intention is very exciting because it is the beginning of something bigger, something more, something really important that you want to attract into your life. You decide what it is…