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What Are the Risk Factors of Breast Cancer?

What Are the Risk Factors of Breast Cancer?

Health Information

Breast Cancer Risks Cancers have different associated risk factors, breast cancer included. From genetics to lifestyle, the list below details the risk factors associated with developing breast cancer. Significantly Higher Risk History of previous cancer: already having cancer in one breast, especially if it occurred before menopause, increases a woman’s risk of developing a new breast cancer unrelated to the first one. Breast cancer genes: those carrying the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 are at…

How Are Headaches Treated?

How Are Headaches Treated?

Health Information

Your family physician may recommend different types of treatment to try, he or she may recommend further testing or refer you to a headache specialist. You should establish a reasonable time frame with your family physician to evaluate your headache symptoms. Headache Treatment Options The proper treatment will depend on several factors, including the type and frequency of the headache and its cause. Not all headaches require medical attention. Treatment may…

What Causes Headaches?

What Causes Headaches?

Health Information

Headache pain results from signals interacting among the brain, blood vessels and surrounding nerves. During a headache, specific nerves of the blood vessels and head muscles are activated and send pain signals to the brain. It’s not clear, however, why these signals are activated in the first place. There is a migraine "pain center" or generator in the mid-brain area. A migraine begins when hyperactive nerve cells send out impulses to the blood vessels, causing constriction, followed by the…

Relaxation and Other Alternative Approaches for Managing Headaches

Relaxation and Other Alternative Approaches for Managing Headaches

Health Information

It’s common for people to attribute headaches to stress, but there’s no official headache classification of "stress headaches." However, stress certainly plays a role in causing a headache or making any headache worse. During stressful events, certain chemicals in the brain are released to combat the situation (known as the "flight or fight" response). The release of these chemicals can provoke vascular changes that can trigger headaches or make them worse. Learning relaxation techniques can…

4 Ways To Help If Your Child Is Overweight

4 Ways To Help If Your Child Is Overweight

Health Information

The percentage of overweight children has more than doubled in the last 30 years. Overweight children are at high risk of becoming overweight adolescents and adults, placing them at risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes later in life. What Causes Children to Become Overweight? Children become overweight for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns or a combination of these factors.…

Helping your Child Reach a Healthy Weight

Helping your Child Reach a Healthy Weight

Health Information

Helping Your Child Reach a Healthy Weight If your efforts at home are unsuccessful in helping your child reach a healthy weight and your physician determines that your child's health is at risk unless he or she loses weight steadily, you may want to consider a formal treatment program. Choosing a Weight Loss Program There are many options when it comes to choosing a weight loss program for your child. Use the helpful tips listed below when looking at weight-control programs for your child.…

Risks and Side Effects of Hormone Therapy

Health Information

While HT helps many women get through menopause, and relieves many painful symptoms, as with most health treatments, there are risks. In general, for MOST women the benefits outweigh the risks. According to the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study, known health risks for HT include: An increased risk of endometrial cancer (if a woman still has her uterus and is not taking progesterone/progestin along with estrogen) An increased risk of blood clots and increased risk of stroke in older…

Who Is Most at Risk for Developing Osteoporosis?

Who Is Most at Risk for Developing Osteoporosis?

Health Information

Osteoporosis Risk Factors Osteoporosis can be dangerous because there are few outward signs of the disease. Unfortunately, sometimes people only find out they have osteoporosis after a bad fall. However, certain people are more likely to have osteoporosis. It is important to know the risk factors which, when present, increase your chance of developing osteoporosis. Gender. Women over the age of 50, or postmenopausal women have the greatest risk of developing osteoporosis. Women experience…

Tips for Parents and Adolescents During Adolescent Development

Tips for Parents and Adolescents During Adolescent Development

Health Information

Are there "secrets" of good communication with teens? While adolescence can be a trying period for both child and parent, the home should not become a battleground if both parents and young people make special efforts to understand one another. View the following guidelines for additional help when dealing with family communication. What Parents Can Do As a parent, you can make communication between you and your teenager much smoother. Try the tips listed below: Give your undivided…

Tips for Bottle-Feeding a Newborn Baby

Tips for Bottle-Feeding a Newborn Baby

Health Information

Bottle-feeding a baby seems simple at first glance. However, there are a lot of steps involved in making sure your baby is being fed properly. For a healthy, happy and full child, make sure to follow the proper instructions before feeding. Sterilizing the Bottle Bottles and nipples need to be sterilized before use. To sterilize the bottle, place it in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes or run through entire cycle in dishwasher. After the bottle has been sterilized and cooled, it is ready to…

Childhood Infections and Diseases

Childhood Infections and Diseases

Health Information

What Causes Ear Infections? Children commonly get middle-ear infections, meaning that there are bacteria behind the ear drum. Pain is the main symptom. Other ear infection facts include: Antibiotics are generally quite helpful and Tylenol can help with pain. Complications can include a small tear in the ear drum, which heals quickly. The infections are not contagious. What Is Pink Eye? Pink eye is generally considered a contagious bacterial infection of the eye caused by viral…

What are the Different Types of Car Seats Available?

What are the Different Types of Car Seats Available?

Health Information

Choosing the Right Car Seat For Your Child When trying to find the right car seat, it is important to be familiar with the different types of car seats available. Learn more about infant-only, convertible, combination and booster style car seats by viewing the listing below. Infant-only seat Infant-only seats, also known as rear-facing seats, are placed in the back seat of the car. Your child should use an infant-only seat from birth until he or she is 1 year old and weighs 20 pounds. The…

What Do I Do if My Child Is Choking?

What Do I Do if My Child Is Choking?

Health Information

A child can choke to death within 2 to 5 minutes. Recognizing quickly that choking is occurring is critical. Look for the signs listed below to identify when your child may be choking: Sudden difficulty breathing (without crying or cough). Clutching at the throat. Turning red in the face, then ashen blue. Loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen (asphyxia). If a child becomes unconscious, you can assume that he or she has a complete obstruction of the airway. If your child shows…

Taking Your Child to a Doctor After Swallowing a Foreign Body

Taking Your Child to a Doctor After Swallowing a Foreign Body

Health Information

Physicians look for a number of signs and symptoms to determine if a foreign object has been inhaled or ingested. Inhaling that causes coughing, gagging and choking is the first indication. However, the lining of the larynx and trachea can adapt to the object. There may be no symptoms for a period of time, after which the child may have: Asthma Bronchitis Cough Fever Pneumonia How Can a Physician Diagnose the Problem? First, the physician will ask about the child's medical…

What Is Scoliosis?

What Is Scoliosis?

Health Information

Scoliosis has many different symptoms that, when caught early, can be treated effectively. Explore the information below to learn more about the warning signs of the disease and how scoliosis can be managed and treated. Scoliosis Symptoms Q: My 14-year-old daughter seems to lean to one side, and her shoulders are uneven. What might be causing this? A: Your daughter should see a physician to be evaluated for possible scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. You mention two of the signs of…

What Problems Can Occur During a Child’s Sleep?

What Problems Can Occur During a Child’s Sleep?

Health Information

It is not uncommon for your baby to experience sleeping issues. However it is important for you, as the parent, to be able to recognize when problematic sleeping behaviors are causing other heath issues, or are a clue to another, deeper health issue. Learn more by viewing the information listed below. When Should I Seek a Doctor’s Help? Sometimes, problems with your child’s sleeping can occur. These behaviors can be similar to normal sleep behaviors at first glance. However, by watching your…

Social Development During the Teen Years: Tattoos, Piercings and Sex

Social Development During the Teen Years: Tattoos, Piercings and Sex

Health Information

As your child grows into a teenager, he or she may be tempted to make more mature decisions— especially as other teenagers engage in risky behaviors. Tattoos, piercings and sex are all important topics that should be discussed thoroughly with your teen. Some teenagers may be ready for these big experiences, and some may not. Tattoos and Piercings Teens of every generation have their fads. Most teenage fads are harmless and eventually fade away without permanent damage. Unfortunately, some of…

Tobacco, Drugs and Depression in Teenagers

Tobacco, Drugs and Depression in Teenagers

Health Information

As much as we wish to protect our children forever, sometimes they will face difficult life choices. During their teen years, they may be tempted to use drugs, tobacco or alcohol. Some teenagers may become depressed for a variety of reasons. These problems can seem severe and parents need to be there to help them navigate through the tough times. Tobacco, Drugs and Alcohol Guidelines Drug abuse is a serious problem that can lead to serious, even fatal, consequences. Research suggests that…

What Happens During a Sports Physical?

What Happens During a Sports Physical?

Health Information

There are two components of a sports physical: the medical history and the physical exam. The history is an important tool in identifying conditions that might affect an individual's ability to participate and/or perform in sports. History Examination Issues addressed during the history portion of the physical include: Allergies Episodes of dizziness or collapse during activity Family history of serious illnesses History of asthma History of excessive weight loss or gain; can…

Teenagers, Doctors and Privacy

Teenagers, Doctors and Privacy

Health Information

Ask your doctor what his or her policy is regarding keeping your discussion and treatment confidential. You have the right to privacy regarding sexually transmitted diseases and contraception. If your life (or someone else's) is at risk, the doctor may be required to disclose private information to keep you safe; he or she will tell you prior to this disclosure, in almost all cases (with exceptions such as if you were unconscious). Billing may or may not be confidential. So please ask your…