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Diapering and Clothing Your Newborn

Diapering and Clothing Your Newborn

Health Information

Diapering Clean the diaper area with every diaper change. Wash it well with soap and water after each bowel movement. Baby wipes may be used if baby’s skin is not sensitive to them. Do not use powder or cornstarch on diaper area, as these can breed bacteria. Changing and keeping your baby girl or boy clean can be an overwhelming task. Use the guidelines listed below when changing your newborn’s diaper. GirlsDuring diaper changes, gently separate the labia and wash the area with water.…

Keeping Your Newborn’s Skin Healthy

Keeping Your Newborn’s Skin Healthy

Health Information

When outdoors, keep your baby’s skin covered or keep the baby out of direct sunlight. Sunscreen is not recommended for babies under 6 months. Unless advised by your healthcare provider, do not use lotions, oils or powders, as they can cause irritation. Common Newborn Skin Conditions Several skin conditions can affect your newborn. Most do not need treatment and will heal themselves in less than a few weeks. Learn more about the symptoms and treatments of certain skin conditions by reading the…

How to Take a Newborn’s Temperature

How to Take a Newborn’s Temperature

Health Information

How to Take a Baby's Temperature If your baby’s skin feels warm, you should take baby’s temperature to check if he or she has a fever. The safest and most comfortable method of taking your baby’s temperature is by placing a thermometer under baby’s arm. It is not safe to put a thermometer in your baby’s mouth, and a thermometer placed in the rectum can be uncomfortable and potentially dangerous. To take baby’s temperature under the arm, place the thermometer high up in the baby’s armpit. Be…

Protecting and Treating Your Skin

Protecting and Treating Your Skin

Health Information

Your skin is how you present yourself to the world. It is important to keep this first impression healthy not only to look at, but for our long-term well being. The skin on our face can be challenged throughout our lives, from the first acne of our teenage years to the wrinkling of our later years. Facial Skin Care for Acne-Prone Skin If you are prone to acne, choose a cleanser specially formulated for acne. These products often contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which help to clear…

The Benefits of Using Sunscreen

Health Information

Sunscreen is the easiest way to protect yourself from the sun’s dangerous rays. However, application isn’t just rubbing it on when you’re at the beach. There is a lot for you to learn about sunscreen and which is best for each time you are out in the sun. How Should Sunscreens Be Applied? Sunscreens are very effective when used properly. Follow these guidelines to give yourself the most protection: Apply the sunscreen at least 20 to 30 minutes before you go outdoors, whenever you will be…

Types of Breast Cancer

Health Information

Most Common Types of Breast Cancer Like most cancers, breast cancer exists in different forms. The most common types of breast cancer include: Infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma This cancer starts in the milk ducts of the breast. It then breaks through the wall of the duct and invades the surrounding tissue in the breast. This is the most common form of breast cancer, accounting for 80% of cases. Ductal carcinoma in situ is ductal carcinoma in its earliest stage (stage 0) In situ…

What Will Happen Before, During and After the Eye Appointment?

What Will Happen Before, During and After the Eye Appointment?

Health Information

What to Expect at An Eye Appointment If you currently wear glasses or contact lenses, bring them with you to your appointment. Depending on the size and type of the office, you will more than likely be greeted by a receptionist or an optician. They will then take your name and ask you to fill out a sheet of information about your medical and eye health history. Once your paperwork has been completed, you will be shown to the examining room where the doctor will perform tests of your vision…

Common Age-Related Eye Problems

Common Age-Related Eye Problems

Health Information

Eye Problems There are several eye problems that are more common as people age, but they still can affect anyone during their life. There are some simple measures that people of any age can take to help ease their comfort and see well. Eye problems that can occur during any age are: Presbyopia Presbyopia is the loss of ability to see close objects or small print, and is often corrected with reading glasses. Floaters Floaters are tiny spots or specks that float across the field of…

Eye Problems in Older Individuals

Eye Problems in Older Individuals

Health Information

Eye Diseases and Disorders Common in Aging Adults Even though eye problems can affect people of any age, some are increasingly likely to strike those of advanced age. These problems can be much more serious. Some examples of eye diseases and disorders common in aging adults: Cataracts Cataracts are cloudy areas that cover part of or the entire lens that keep light from easily passing through the lens to the back of the eye. Cataracts often form slowly, causing no pain, redness or tearing…

Eye Examinations: What to Expect

Eye Examinations: What to Expect

Health Information

An Overview of an Eye Exam During an eye appointment several types of eye tests may be performed. In addition to a complete eye examination, your doctor may want to order one of the following special tests: Applanation tonometry: A test that helps doctors diagnose glaucoma by measuring the amount of pressure needed to flatten a portion of the cornea. Corneal topography: During this procedure, a computer is used to create a "map" of the curvature of the cornea. The computer analysis…

Shots and Screenings – A Maintenance Manual to Staying Healthy!

Health Information

Regular Screenings and Immunizations Staying healthy requires regular attention and screenings and immunizations are part of that. However, it’s easy to lose track of what you need, when and how often. Below is a list that will keep you on schedule: General preventive care screenings and immunizations Breast cancer screening, starting at age 40, with mammograms every 1-2 years for all women, especially between the ages of 50-79. Cervical cancer screening, starting at age…

Heart Disease - Prognosis and Outlook

Heart Disease - Prognosis and Outlook

Health Information

Heart Failure Treatment Plan With the right care, heart failure will not stop you from doing the things you enjoy. Your prognosis or outlook for the future will depend on how well your heart muscle is functioning, your symptoms, and how well you respond to and follow your treatment plan. In general, women with heart failure survive longer than men with heart failure 1-2 but remain symptomatic (ie. shortness of breath) and functionally more limited 3-4. Women with heart failure also require…

Symptoms of Heart Failure

Health Information

The Symptoms of Heart Failure The symptoms of heart failure may be mild to severe. The symptoms are related to the changes that occur in your heart and body (see below) and are the same in women as men. However, women seem to have more shortness of breath and more difficulty exercising than men. They also have swelling around their ankles more frequently than men. You may have one or all of these symptoms below. Sometimes, people with weakened or abnormal heart muscles do not have any…

Eating to Sharpen Your Mind: The top foods to increase focus and mental health

Eating to Sharpen Your Mind: The top foods to increase focus and mental health

Health Information

How Food Affects Your Mind Have you ever wondered what you can do to help keep your mind sharp and at its best? The choices you make in your diet do not just affect your waistline. Although our genes do play a role in if we acquire certain degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, the brain is a powerful organ and feeding it the optimum fuel or “brain food” is proven to keep it performing at its optimum level. Make sure to include these top five brain foods to your daily diet for their…

Does Increased Activity Decrease the Risk of Dementia?

Does Increased Activity Decrease the Risk of Dementia?

Health Information

Dementia Dementia is nearly the four letter word of aging. No one wants to watch their parents or partners fade away into a loss of memories and recognition. For so long it seemed that all we could do was sit back and hope the “d-word” didn’t come along. That is until now. The correlation between moving our bodies and maintaining our intellect is strengthening. It has long been presumed that there was a link between physical activity and keeping dementia at bay, but there was little concrete…

Exercise Can Help the Body Age Better

Exercise Can Help the Body Age Better

Health Information

Regular Exercise Improves Quality of Life We all want our parents to remain as active and independent as possible, and we want the same thing for ourselves! Regular exercise is pivotal for seniors. Seniors are at greater risk for disease, lost mobility and falls than any other age group. Conversely, they often realize the positive effects of exercise more quickly than other age groups. If your parent hasn’t been exercising, it can be difficult to get started. 7 tips to start a new exercise…

Low Libido – Is Menopause the Cause?

Low Libido – Is Menopause the Cause?

Health Information

Changing Hormones Can Be To Blame for Low Libido It is common for women to experience a low libido at some point in their lives and while hormones are not always to blame, they can play a big role. Menopause can introduce physical changes that interrupt a happy sex life due to the loss of estrogen. For some women the loss of estrogen can result in the vagina shrinking by 80%. Loss of estrogen can also wreck havoc on your genitals and thus your sex life. Menopausal women might also…

An Overview of Sexual Dysfunction

An Overview of Sexual Dysfunction

Health Information

What Is Sexual Dysfunction? Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem occurring during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity. The sexual response cycle traditionally includes excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Desire and arousal are both part of the excitement phase of the sexual response. While research suggests that sexual dysfunction is common (43 percent of women and 31 percent of men…

Preventing Vaginal Infections

Health Information

Caring For Your Vagina Many women experience uncomfortable, vaginal infections at one time or another. Steps can be taken to relieve and prevent vulvar discomfort and vaginal infections. The vulva and vagina The vulva is the area of female sex organs that lies outside of the vagina. These organs include folds of sensitive tissue called the "labia" (labia means "lips"). There are two sets of labia. The outermost folds are called the labia majora. A second set of folds, called the labia…

Contraception - An Important Decision For All Women

Contraception - An Important Decision For All Women

Health Information

Choosing a Contraception that works for youThere nearly 1.6 billion women worldwide in their childbearing years and about 62 million in the United States alone. So what is the rate of unintended or unplanned pregnancy among this growing population? Many people are surprised by the fact that 1 in 2 pregnancies or 50% are unintended! (With rates up to 80% in teenagers ages 15-19.) The world of contraception options is vast and is an important decision for all women from teens to menopause.The…