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Intermittent Fasting: Fact or Fad
Read guest columnists senior Specialized Women’s Health fellow, Dr. Sabrina Sahni and Center for Specialized Women’s Health staff and weight management expert, Dr. Lynn Pattimakiel’s column on intermittent fasting.

Menopause Related Skin Problems
Read guest columnist, board certified Cleveland Clinic Dermatologist Dr. Rashmi Unwala, MD, FAAD article about skin related problems associated with menopause.

Chicken with Lemon Caper Sauce
Recipe Box
Think of this as a delicious smothered chicken with fancy flair. Serve with rice or over angel hair pasta tossed with olive oil in garlic.
What You Need to Know About the New Nasal-Spray Depression Drug
Up to one-third of adults with major depression battle symptoms such as persistent feelings of sadness, trouble sleeping, fatigue and suicidal thoughts that don’t respond to treatment. Yet there’s been very little new on the market since Prozac® (fluoxetine) revolutionized the treatment of depression in 1988. Until now. The Food and Drug Administration approved the nasal spray esketamine as the first new type of treatment for depression in over three decades. Here’s what you need to…
Non-Estrogen Treatment Options for Vaginal Dryness
Ask the Nurse
I have had a stroke and a heart attack, and I am intolerant to estrogen. What can I use for vaginal dryness safely? I can NOT use estrogen vaginal creams.
Hashimoto's disease
Ask the Nurse
I have had Hashimoto's disease for two years and many arthritic symptoms. Can I take Amour® (dessicated thyroid) even though my TSH is normal?
FDA Approves Brexanolone (Zulresso), First Treatment for Postpartum Depression
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Zulresso (brexanolone) injection for intravenous (IV) use for the treatment of postpartum depression (PPD) in adult women. This is the first drug approved by the FDA specifically for PPD. "Postpartum depression is a serious condition that, when severe, can be life-threatening. Women may experience thoughts about harming themselves or harming their child. Postpartum depression can also interfere with the maternal-infant bond. This approval marks…
Body Mass Index
Ask the Nurse
My weight is 193 pounds, and I am 5'5". What is my BMI?
FDA Says Breast Density Must Be Reported to Women During Mammograms
Women with dense breasts who get mammograms must be told of their higher risk for breast cancer under new rules proposed Wednesday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA would also tighten its regulation of mammogram facilities, giving the agency the power to notify patients if problems are found at a center so that repeat mammograms can be done at another certified center. "The steps we are announcing today are intended to modernize breast cancer screening and help empower…
Smoking and Hormone Therapy
Ask the Nurse
A 54 year old lady who has smoked for 25 years is on estradiol and progesterone for menopause. Can she take oral estradiol, or is estradiol patch a better choice? Also, is there any contradiction for HT for smokers?
Osteoporosis Treatments
Ask the Nurse
I took Teriparatide/Forteo® years ago. My DXA/Bone density now shows the osteoporosis has returned. Can I take Abaloparatide/Tymlos® now?
Recurring Bacterial Vaginosis
Ask the Nurse
I am 56 years old and had my hysterectomy in 1990, I still have my ovaries and I have been having recurrent bacterial vaginosis. I finished antibiotics, but the BV still re-occurs.
I quit smoking cigarettes, but started vaporing. I asked my doctor to prescribe me a low dose estrogen pill, but she will not give it to me because I'm still vaporing. Is it normal for a 56 year old to have recurrent bacterial vaginosis, is this part of going through menopause?
Treatment For Menopause Symptoms
Ask the Nurse
I have had multiple pelvic surgeries and have mesh for prolapse and scarring. I still have my uterus, but after my last surgery I have entered menopause at age 52 with no menses. I’m not sure what blood tests I should have to check my hormone levels.
I am having hot flashes, dry skin, vaginal dryness and lack of interest in intimacy with my husband of 28 years. This was never a problem before, but I went into surgery having my periods and came out in full blown menopause.
FDA OKs Romosozumab (Evenity) for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the humanized monoclonal antibody romosozumab (Evenity, Amgen) for treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with a history of osteoporotic fracture or multiple risk factors for fracture, or those who have failed or are intolerant to other osteoporosis therapies. Earlier this year, the FDA's Bone, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee voted 18-1 in favor of romosozumab for this indication, as reportedby Medscape…

Why Your Bones Matter
Read guest columnist women’s health and osteoporosis expert, Dr. Kristi Tough DeSapri’s column on osteoporosis. Dr. Tough DeSapri completed a two year fellowship in Specialized Women’s Health at Cleveland Clinic and now practices in Illinois and is the mother of three sons.
Vitamin B12
Ask the Nurse
What are the side effects of too much Vitamin B12?

Beef Fajitas in Slow Cooker
Recipe Box
Fajitas have never been simpler! A quick fajita rub, combined with salsa, peppers and onions in slow cooker for fall-apart tender fajitas.
Hyaluronic Acid
Ask the Nurse
What is the percentage/millgram rate of dosing vaginally of hyaluronic acid?
Speaking of Women's Health Named One of the Best Women's Health Blogs of 2019
Speaking of Women's Health has been named one of Healthline's best women's health blogs of 2019. Each year, Healthline looks for blogs that are inspiring, educating, and empowering women to lead their best lives — in more ways than one. This year Speaking of Women's Health is one of fourteen blogs to be awarded the title. This is the third year in a row that Speaking of Women's Health has been selected by Healthline as Best Women's Health Blog.
FDA Pulls All Vaginal Mesh Products Off the Market
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today ordered the manufacturers of vaginal mesh products to stop selling and distributing their products in the US immediately, saying the companies failed to provide reasonable assurance that the products are safe and effective. The three vaginal mesh devices available in the United States are Boston Scientific's Uphold LITE and Xenform, and Coloplast's Restorelle DirectFix Anterior. The companies have 10 days to submit their plan to withdraw these…