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Medications to Help Treat Fibroids
Fibroids are usually diagnosed in women ages 30-40, and up to half of all women will be diagnosed with fibroids in their lifetime. Guest columnist Dr. Sharon Sutherland discusses the new FDA-approved medication for the treatment of symptomatic fibroids.
New Therapies Offer Hope for Minimizing Hair Loss in Midlife Women
Hair loss in middle-aged females is common, affecting up to two-thirds of women after menopause. The exact reasons remain unclear, although evidence suggests a hormonal and genetic predisposition. A presentation at The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, September 22-25, 2021, will address common hair loss problems and review new therapies and treatment approaches to stimulate hair growth and minimize thinning. There are many different types of…
Managing Women’s Health in Menopause Patient Program
Speaking of Women's Health is participating in a national menopause education program. We invite you to participate in this free educational event! This national menopause education program was developed for women who have questions and concerns about menopause and provides real life solutions for managing symptoms and improving quality of life during this challenging time.During the event, we will show an introductory video and then have an open discussion period led by Speaking of Women's…

The Polygenic Risk Score – What is it and what does it mean for breast cancer?
Guest columnists Dr. Fawad Khan and Dr. Holly Pederson discuss the Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) and how these gene changes may affect a person's risk for breast cancer.

What Women Can Do To Help Improve Aging Skin
Guest columnist Evelina Vasiliauskas PA-C in the Departments of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic shares at-home tips and in-office treatments for improving aging skin.
Falling asleep at this time may protect your heart
Bedtime from 10 to 11 p.m. is associated with lower risk of developing heart disease, new research shows.

Updates from the 2021 NAMS Annual Meeting – Part 1
In part 1 of the column series, Updates From the 2021 North American Menopause Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, Dr. Tara Iyer discusses the latest on weight management, hair loss and sleep problem treatments for menopausal women.

Updates from the 2021 NAMS Annual Meeting – Part 2
In part 2 of the column series, Updates From the 2021 North American Menopause Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, Dr. Tara Iyer discusses the latest on cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and cervical cancer risks for menopausal women.
Loosen up stiff winter posture with these 5 stretches
For many of us, the cold winter weather is something to dread. Winter means more layers, trying to stay warm when outside, and often stiffness in the upper body. The cold weather makes us more prone to hunching forward, which can lead to poor posture and tightness in the shoulders and back. That's why it's so important to stay on top of our stretching and yoga routines during the winter season and acknowledge when our bodies need attention. Spending time in lower temperatures, research has…

Why You Need Vitamin D For A Stronger Immune System
Read Specialized Women’s Health Fellow Dr. Alexa Fiffick’s column on the latest news on vitamin D.
Indigestion, Nausea, and Bloating More Common During Menopause in Certain Age and Ethnic Groups
Hormonal changes during the menopause transition have been shown to affect a woman’s gastrointestinal (GI) functions with some unpleasant results such as nausea, bloating, and abdominal pain. A new study suggests that a woman’s race/ethnicity and menopause status may partially determine the severity of these symptoms. Study results are published online today in Menopause, the journal of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS). With the menopause transition, the level of estrogen decreases…

Emotional Eating: Why It Happens and How To Treat It
Margo Davis at the Cleveland Clinic Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine Department discusses how emotional eating tends to lead to overeating and choosing unhealthy foods. This can lead to obesity and depression if left unchecked.
Four Factors in Midlife Predict a Healthy Old Age for Women
A new study reports four specific factors — higher body mass index (BMI), smoking, arthritis and depressive symptoms — at age 55 are associated with clinically important declines in physical health 10 years later. "Age 55 to 65 may be a critical decade," said study co-author Dr. Daniel Solomon, of the division of rheumatology, inflammation, and immunity at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston."A person's health and factors during this period may set them on a path for their later adult…
Tips for Scheduling Your Next Doctor’s Appointment
Guest columnist and everyone’s favorite Department Coordinator, Ms. Rhonda Jackson, shares her insider tips on how to be prepared when scheduling your next doctor’s appointment.

Health Begins In The Gut
Dr. Lin Yufang discusses how gut health can impact the rest of the body and how you can improve your gut microbiome and overall health.

How Yoga Helps With Pain Management
Guest columnist Dr. Robert Saper of the Department of Wellness and Preventive Medicine at Cleveland Clinic discusses how studies show that yoga can help women with chronic pain and recurrent pain.
Eating prunes may help protect against bone loss in postmenopausal women
Researchers found that prunes can help prevent or delay bone loss in postmenopausal women, possibly due to their ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which contribute to bone loss.
More Than Half of Postmenopausal Women Experience Female Pattern Hair Loss
New study evaluates prevalence of hair loss during the menopause transition and factors contributing to it, including obesity.
Study identifies 10 factors linked to Alzheimer’s risk
Attempts to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s have met with little success. Researchers are increasingly turning their attention to detecting the disease early. The key to this strategy is to identify early, “modifiable” risk factors that doctors can target with drugs or other interventions. Researchers at the Paris Brain Institute in France have now found statistical associations between 10 health conditions and a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease up to 10 years later. Major…
Dementia linked to premature menopause for women, study says
A preliminary study finds women who enter menopause before age 40 are linked to a 35% higher risk of developing dementia later in life. Premature menopause, as it is called, occurs when a woman's ovaries stop creating hormones and the menstrual cycle ends by age 40. That's about a dozen years earlier than the typical onset of menopause, which is age 52 in the United States, according to the US Department of Health and Human Service's Office on Women's Health. The study shows a modest…