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Remember Bone Health During Osteoporosis Awareness Month

Remember Bone Health During Osteoporosis Awareness Month


Dr. Kristi Tough DeSapri and Dr. Holly L. Thacker discuss the latest on osteoporosis prevention and treatment, and offer a friendly reminder to osteoporosis patients to continue their medication.

FDA Authorizes Blood Purification Device to Treat COVID-19


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization for a blood purification system to treat patients 18 years of age or older with confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with confirmed or imminent respiratory failure. The authorized product works by reducing the amount of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators, i.e., small active proteins in the bloodstream that control a cell’s immune response by filtering the blood…

Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery:  What to Know and How to Ask

Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery: What to Know and How to Ask


Guest columnist Dr. Cara King, a Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeon (MIGS) at Cleveland Clinic and a mother of three, discusses the types of new, less invasive gynecologic surgeries available to women with benign gynecologic problems such as fibroids and endometriosis.

Foods Rich in Zinc Help Build a Healthy Immune System

Health Information

Zinc is a mineral that helps maintain a healthy immune system and it can help kill viruses that infect cells. The recommended daily amount of zinc is 8 milligrams for women (11 milligrams during pregnancy) and 11 milligrams for men. Zinc deficiency can lead to a poor immune system, resulting in catching more colds and viruses. Eating a diet rich in zinc boosts your immune system and also helps with thyroid function, wound healing and vision. The top 8 best foods high in zinc 1. Meat Choose…

Quercetin Rich Foods

Health Information

Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid) with potent antioxidant properties and is found in many fruits, vegetables and grains. Quercetin also helps your body absorb zinc. Foods that contain quercetin OnionsApplesBroccoliBerriesGrapesCherriesTeaCapers

Vulvovaginal Disease

Health Information

Practical Path for an Onerous Condition Recurrent or chronic vulvovaginitis is frustrating to patients and a burden to the health care system. Here is a guide to addressing it. by Oluwatosin Goje, MD, MSCR Dr. Goje is Assistant Professor of Ob-Gyn and Reproductive Biology, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University and a Reproductive Infectious Diseases Specialist, Ob-Gyn and Women's Health Institute, Cleveland Clinic. Vulvovaginitis may be infectious or…

COVID-19 Post Stay-At-Home Analysis Summary


State of Ohio Covid-19 post stay at home options impact analysis summary utilizing a transmissibility modified SEIR modeling technique. Summary Overview This summary discusses the findings from an Ohio focused COVID-19 modified SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Recovered) model that was created to correct perceived shortcomings in existing predictive models which tend to overestimate the number and rate of infections. This summary is intended for use as another data point in the ongoing…

What You Should Know About Heavy Menstrual Periods with Dr. Cara King

April 23, 2020


Even with modern medicine, “that time of the month” can be a pain for most women, especially those prone to heavy menstrual bleeding. But abnormal uterine bleeding shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your life. Gynecologist Cara King, DO, talks about why it happens and when it’s time to see a doctor. She also offers tips on managing heavy bleeding and explains how common and treatable the condition actually is.

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Foods That Contain Vitamin D3

Health Information

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin because it is produced in the skin by ultraviolet rays from the sun. Gray skies, weak winter sun, sunscreen use and an indoor lifestyle mean that most of us are lacking in this essential vitamin. Vitamin D From Sun Exposure Many people live in northern climates and are not at the right latitude to make vitamin D in their skin. (Did you know that vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, but a pro-sterol hormone?) Sun exposure without sunscreen for 10-15…

Vitamin K

Health Information

What is Vitamin K? Vitamin K is actually a group of fat-soluble vitamins that play a role in blood clotting, bone metabolism and regulating blood calcium levels. The body needs vitamin K to respond to injuries as it regulates normal blood clotting. Vitamin K comes in two forms - K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 is found in green, leafy and cruciferous vegetables. Vitamin K2 is found in dairy products, pork, poultry and fermented foods. Vitamin K2 is important for bone health and heart health. Food…

Can Oral Estrogen and Testosterone Improve a Woman's Sex Drive?

Health Information

Question: A 53-year-old postmenopausal woman presents as a new patient consult and for a second opinion. She underwent natural menopause at age 52 and had been on oral Hormone Therapy for severe hot flashes symptoms. She complains of decreased libido and has read about oral estrogen plus testosterone as an option to improve her sex drive and her continued hot flashes. One of her friends is also on estrogen/testosterone hormone therapy and shared noticeable improvement in libido. The patient…

U.S. FDA Approves Evofem Biosciences' Phexxi™, the First and Only Non-Hormonal Prescription Gel for the Prevention of Pregnancy


Evofem Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: EVFM) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Phexxi™ (lactic acid, citric acid and potassium bitartrate) vaginal gel for the prevention of pregnancy in females of reproductive potential for use as an on-demand method of contraception. Phexxi is the first non-hormonal, on-demand, vaginal pH regulator contraceptive designed to maintain vaginal pH within the normal range of 3.5 to 4.5 – an acidic environment that is…

A New Era of Midlife Women’s Care

A New Era of Midlife Women’s Care


Dr. Sabrina K. Sahni discusses the importance of midlife women's care and how she is helping women receive the care they need at Cleveland Clinic Florida.

Perimenopausal Mood Instability May Be Due to Dysregulation of Estradiol and Progesterone Levels


Link between progesterone and depressive symptoms is new, and may have therapeutic implicationsWomen are particularly vulnerable to mood disturbances, ranging from subsyndromal depressive symptoms to major depression, during the menopausal transition period. While epidemiologic studies consistently demonstrate this, our understanding of the biological mechanisms for these prevalent symptoms remains limited.An observational study by Joffe et al., published in the Journal of Clinical…

Options for Preserving a Woman's Fertility

Options for Preserving a Woman's Fertility


Guest columnist and Cleveland Clinic Fertility Expert Dr. Laura Detti shares what new techniques are available for fertility preservation.

FDA advises consumers not to use hand sanitizer products manufactured by Eskbiochem


FDA advises consumers not to use any hand sanitizer manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV in Mexico, due to the potential presence of methanol (wood alcohol), a substance that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin or ingested. FDA has identified the following products manufactured by Eskbiochem: All-Clean Hand Sanitizer (NDC: 74589-002-01)Esk Biochem Hand Sanitizer (NDC: 74589-007-01)CleanCare NoGerm Advanced Hand Sanitizer 75% Alcohol (NDC: 74589-008-04)Lavar 70 Gel Hand…

Preparing Kids for a New School Year During COVID-19

Preparing Kids for a New School Year During COVID-19


Dr. Holly L. Thacker and Leigh Klekar share tips on how kids and parents can prepare for a very different school year during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trump signs executive orders to lower drug prices


President Trump signed multiple executive orders on Friday aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs such as insulin. The executive orders the president signed will require discounts on insulin and EpiPens that were given to some hospitals to be passed on to patients; and speed up a proposal to import prescription drugs from Canada and other countries for pharmacies, wholesalers and states. The president said the changes should eliminate the "middlemen" in drug purchases. "The…

White House Signs 4 Orders to Reduce the Cost of Prescription Drugs


Speaking of Women's Health Executive Director Dr. Holly L. Thacker invited to the White House to witness President Donald Trump sign four orders to reduce the cost of prescription drugs for Americans.

Women’s Health Is A Sub-Specialty Field of Medicine

July 30, 2020


An Interview With Dr. Holly Thacker and her 2020 Fellowship Trainees

Dr. Holly L. Thacker and her new fellowship trainees join Dr. Heather Hirsch in her latest women's health podcast.

In this podcast, Dr. Hirsch speaks candidly with her women’s health fellowship mentor and educator Dr. Holly L. Thacker. Dr. Thacker leads the Center For Specialized Women’s Health at the Cleveland Clinic and is also the director of the specialized women’s health fellowship training program at Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Hirsch and Dr. Thacker discuss the unique role of the physician who has undergone extensive training and years of clinical experience in women’s health, and how this can impact the care of women across the reproductive life span. Dr. Thacker is also the face behind the widely successful speaking of women’s health blog, a nationally recognized site for the education of women straight from the experts.

Join in as they talk about medical training, barriers to women’s midlife care, and the future of women’s health fellowship training with Dr. Tiffany Cochran and Dr. Tara Lyer.

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