Ask the Nurse

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Wondering about your health? Confused by what you’ve read? Browse our Ask the Nurse answer archive to find answers to many women's health questions and concerns. All answers are from a Cleveland Clinic women's health nurse.

Ask the Nurse Archive

Extreme Fatigue

December 13, 2016 at 10:14am

I have fatigue that is interfering with my life--it’s all I can do to drive home after work and immediately crawl in bed. I have no new medications, and every test comes back normal. Are there any more specific tests I can have done to see if something is off?

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Connection Between Calcium and Cholesterol

December 13, 2016 at 10:06am

What us the connection between calcium and cholesterol? As kids we drank up to two quarts of milk a day, almost never water. First we had cows, later milkman delivered the milk. I was in my 30’s before even considering drinking water.

My family has a history of strokes. I eat a couple cups of nuts a day as I crave nuts and may also eat 1/2 cup of peanut butter a day.

I am nervously re-incorporating one egg a day. I was hard-boiling eggs, discarding yolks once a week and pulverizing whites. I add them to a water slurry for a milky substitute with oatmeal.

My craving for nuts is so great. What is going on? My carotid are in stage 3 and 4. Can you help slide my diet around?

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Unexplained weight loss

December 13, 2016 at 9:42am

When does your weight loss become dangerous to your health?

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Hair on breasts

December 1, 2016 at 2:05pm

I have hair that grows around the areola on my breasts. I find it annoying so I shave it off. Is it safe to shave hair off your breasts?

Of course, now I feel my breasts are feeling scratchy now that the hair is gone and the area has been shaved. Any advice on how to deal with hair on your breasts that you don’t want there? Thanks!

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Pain in Thumb Joints

November 21, 2016 at 2:16pm

I’m a 32 year old female in average shape. Over the past month or so, I’ve been doing more yard work like pulling weeds, planting, laying mulch, raking and trimming. In the evening, my thumbs having an internal burning sensation, and I experience pain in my lower thumb joints.

Sometimes my thumbs seem weak, and I have intermittent shaking. It’s significant enough that it can keep me awake at night and still ache in the morning. After a few days, it disappears. I’ve already had surgery on my right wrist for De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. What could this be?

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Tension and Migraine Headaches

November 21, 2016 at 2:09pm

I’m a 32 year old female in average shape. Ever since high school, I seem to have a moderate to high amount of headaches, seemingly different kinds. I usually just count it as stress.

However, in the last few years, I have these horrible headaches that pop up every few months, where the very first vertebrae at the top of my neck seems to pop out. The pain is significant, and I can be sensitive to light, smells, movement and sounds. When it happens, if I put a lot of pressure on that vertebrae, it helps momentarily. My chiropractor says it’s stress and increased blood flow pushing out that vertebrae. My family doctor doesn’t seem concerned. Should I do anything else? Thanks!

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Loss Interest in Sex

October 27, 2016 at 9:20am

I don’t have any interest in having sex with my husband and I can’t feel him when we have sex. I am 32 years old and would like to know what I can do enjoy sex, again.

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Vaginal Dryness and Sensitivity

October 13, 2016 at 2:08pm

I am losing sensation in my genital area during sex. There is not enough lubrication. What is the best product to use for sensitive skin?

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Calcium Supplement

October 3, 2016 at 10:53am

I am 67 years old. For quite a few years, I have been told to take around 1200 mg of calcium per day, plus magnesium and vitamin D.

Many friends are now telling me that their doctors have told them it can be dangerous to take calcium supplements and it’s better just to get it from your diet. I’ve also read that calcium tablets can be a factor in developing dementia. What is the current recommendation?

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Perimenopause Symptoms

September 19, 2016 at 10:30am

I am 54 years old and I have regular gynecological exams. The last one was in May and all was fine. I have no uterus, but I do still have both ovaries. I have started with some of the peri-menopause symptoms, mostly hot flashes.

Last month I noticed a lot of vaginal discharge (clear, no odor) a few days of the month.

Odd for me because I never had it before. I actually feel the discharge. No other symptoms. How concerned should I be?

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