Ask the Nurse Archive
Weight Management and Perimenopause
August 1, 2011 at 4:46pm
I have been with Weight Watchers since January of 2010 to the present and have been with Curves since May 2011. I am 5’1"
I currently weigh 149 pounds. My goal weight is 132 pounds. I started WW at 154 April 2011 138 pounds...lost 16 pounds in 14 months. I have been going through perimenopause. Since April a constant weight gain to my current 149 pounds. Two weeks ago I lost 4 pounds!!! After having a period for three weeks of spotting, light flow, heavy flow, light flow, spotting, then finally stopping. Then the next week I gained 3 pounds back! I have been going to Curves twice a week. With a hectic schedule I am lucky to be able to get there at all! I enjoyed the last article from Speaking of Women’s Health and noticed it is sponsored through Cleveland Clinic.
I felt comfort in the article and that we could have contact with you as a resource. I am grateful to the Cleveland Clinic for the care and concern that you have given to my daughter and her husband on behalf of their son~our sweet grandson. Our grandson is being followed by the pediatric neurology physicians. Thank You so much.
I hope that you might be able sort out my weight gain~menopause issues. I am discontinuing WW and I have been so far enjoying Curves.
Thank You in advance for your time,
Healthy Eating Over 80
August 1, 2011 at 4:40pm
What is the best or most viable source for those of us in our eighties and more, to lose a few pounds sensibly?
Metabolizing Sugar
July 20, 2011 at 5:23pm
What makes your body more efficient at metabolizing sugar?