What Parents of Teenagers Should Know About Alcohol

The Law
- You cannot give alcohol to your children's friends under 21 years of age under any circumstances, even in your own home and with their parents' permission.
- You cannot knowingly allow a person less than 21 years of age to remain in your home or on your property while consuming or possessing alcoholic beverages.
If You Break the Law
- You can face a maximum sentence of six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine.
- Others can sue you if you give alcohol to anyone under 21 years of age and they, in turn, hurt someone or damage property.
- Friends, neighbors, and acquaintances will call you an irresponsible person, or worse.
Prevention Is Key
- Talk to your children about alcohol and the law.
- Lock up all your alcohol, including beer, just as you would lock your car in a parking lot.
- Be at home when your children have parties. Do not provide alcohol or allow drinking.
- Call the police if you know of underage persons purchasing or consuming alcohol.
- Parents' attitudes and behavior about alcohol influence the attitudes and behaviors of their children.
- Twice as many teens and young adults die each year in alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents than the number that died each year in combat during the Vietnam conflict.
- Do not offer your teen a beer on his or her last birthday.