The Benefits of Rooming-In After Labor

Caring for Newborns
Having a baby is exciting, but exhausting work. That’s why it’s called “labor.” After the birth of a new baby, our family-centered staff in the Cleveland Clinic Birthing Hospitals want to help moms learn how to rest and care for their newborns in the most comfortable and effective way.
“As part of our world class care for new moms and babies, our staff encourages the evidence-based practice of ‘rooming-in’,” says Rebecca Starck, MD, chair of the Department of Regional Ob/Gyn at Cleveland Clinic. “This practice allows mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day, shown by research to be the best way for both mom and baby to rest and establish a routine.”
Rooming-In Benefits
The benefits of rooming-in include:
- Better quality sleep for mom and baby
- Increased parent confidence in handling and caring for baby
- Earlier identification of early feeding cues
- Improved breastfeeding experience
- Less infant crying and distress
- Development of better sleep/wake cycle for infant
- Less “baby blues” and postpartum depression
- Parents who are better rested and more relaxed by the end of the first week home
“The best advice I can give new parents is to learn how to rest when your baby sleeps – day and night in the first days,” says Dr. Starck. “Early in the newborn period, babies eat frequently, and find comfort and security in being close to you, recognizing your voice, your smell and your heartbeat.”
Feeding a Newborn
Learning how to feed a newborn can be easier when moms learn to read their baby’s early hunger cues and sleep/awake states. Keeping baby close helps moms learn how to feed and care for them while our expert staff is close by to assist.
Choosing Not to Room-In
“Should moms choose not to room-in after delivery, our staff will respect their decision and care for their baby in the nursery,” says Dr. Starck. “Our goal is to provide parents with informed choices and to support them in a comfortable and nurturing environment.”
Whatever moms choose, we ask them to tell us their wishes so we meet their needs and expectations during their stay. It is our goal to provide moms and babies with the best possible care while preparing them for an easier transition at home.