
Farewell to my Patients, Colleagues and Dr. Thacker

Farewell to my Patients, Colleagues and Dr. Thacker

By: Lillie McKinney, LPN • Posted on January 09, 2023

My Farewell to the Women's Health Institute and Dr. Thacker

I have finally reached the day of retirement and it’s with much regret that I leave my beloved Dr. Thacker and all my wonderful patients and fellow nurses behind and begin a new chapter to my already rich life.

Over the years, I have met many patients that have went on this menopause journey with me and experienced the hormonal rollercoaster.

You have all shared your stories with me and have listened to mine. You have come to know my family and I yours. I treasure each and every one of you for the women you are and for the future you will create for yourselves. As Dr. Thacker says, "Be Strong, Be Healthy and Be in Charge!"

I know most of you have either come to our center (some fearful, some tearful and some looking for direction) to get the best options for you and your particular needs. This is always a good start - to ask questions about your female health.

We all know, if we don’t take care of ourselves and each other, we can’t function as the leaders of our families. Because that’s what you all are, even if you feel less like leading some days and more like just getting through the day. We all have shouldered immense responsibilities in our lives and some of us need a little help to deal with those day to day stressors of life. This is why, I have always been happy to be with you - my patients. And happy to be the one you can laugh with, cry to, or simply just complain to.

I feel so honored to have gotten to know all of you and hope that I helped in some small way to make you feel as special as you all are.

With much love,
Lillie McKinney LPN

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