Ask the Nurse

I have a daughter, age 11, who has been experiencing two menstrual periods per month. She is also diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and experiences frequent periods of tiredness/exhaustion. My pediatrician’s office is only recommending "birth control" of which I am opposed. I would like a second opinion! I would really appreciate advice from another health professional on this matter. Please help!

If your daughter has been in puberty with regular menstruation and has reached her full height/growth, starting on hormonal agents to suppress her menses would stop her periods, pain and blood loss.

Physicians prescribe hormones to suppress ovulation (which gives contraception), but is not specifically for contraception. There are Depo-Provera shots that could be given, but may cause weight gain.

Be sure to have your daughter see a Pediatric Gynecologist and a Gastroenterologist/Chron’s Specialist.

All My Best,
Speaking of Women’s Health nurse

March 21, 2017 at 9:35am