Ask the Nurse

I’m 47 and beginning to experience symptoms of aging. I can handle most anything, but I need help providing reliable, credible information to my long-term boyfriend about what happens to aging women regarding sex. I feel terrible that he feels that it is "his fault" for my symptoms, like less natural and abundant lubrication, that neither he nor I have any control over at this point. So, I would like to give him a book, preferably written by a medical professional, that addresses the physical aspects of aging women and sex. Thank you!

I strongly recommend the book, Intimacy & Desire: Awaken the Passion in Your Relationship, written by David Schnarch, a P.h.D in clinical psychology and a certified sex therapist.

I recommend it to several patients a week, as it is one of the best written books covering sexuality and desire. It describes how couples deal with their changing sexual desires over their lifespan. In it, the author recommends having two copies, one for you and one for your partner, so that you can take notes separately. I strongly recommend you look on amazon, your local bookstore or local library for a copy and start reading today!

All My Best,
Speaking of Women’s Health nurse

April 11, 2016 at 1:36pm