Breast Health

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Wondering about your health? Confused by what you’ve read? Browse our Ask the Nurse answer archive to find answers to many women's health questions and concerns. All answers are from a Cleveland Clinic women's health nurse.

Ask the Nurse Archive


August 22, 2013 at 12:19pm

What if they see something on my mammogram? How accurate is it?

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Weight gain during cancer treatments

March 6, 2013 at 3:15pm

I’ve been through 16 chemo treatments, a double mastectomy and I’m now in the midst of 33 radiation treatments for stage 3, triple negative, metastasized, carcinoma breast cancer. I’m using Aquaphor on my skin several times a day. I’ve also been put on Anastrozone and take 2 thyroid pills. No matter how much I am exercising at Curves and eating healthfully, I keep gaining weight. My belly seems to be sticking out farther, since I no longer have breasts. What can I do, besides the daily workouts at Curves?

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Chemo and hair loss

August 23, 2011 at 5:04pm

In 1989 I had breast cancer, my hair came out and never fully came back to it’s original fullness. As of now I wear wigs. Is there anything else that I could do as far as vitamins or diet are concerned? I had chemo, went through a period of menopause for a year, but, I had no other problems. I am healthy.

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